No Longer Lonely (Dilitha)

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Dil sat on the couch and sighed. During his thoughtful shower he'd thought about all the girls that he'd liked in the past but had cruelly rejected him. It'd neve bothered him until now. And he'd never felt so lonely until this moment.

"Aw he's feeling lonely." Phil said with a little frown.

Dan read the screen, "Because... He's thought about all his past romances." He looked at Phil. "Great Phil you just had to give him a thoughtful shower!"

"I'm sorry, Dil. I thought it would be funny." He covered his face with his hands.

"Well he's not laughing!"

He pulled his knees up to his chest and held back tears. "Am I not good enough for anyone?" He asked himself.

There was a knock on the door but he ignored it. Right now, Dil just wanted to hide under his bed sheets and pretend like he did exist. A few seconds later there was another knock before the door just opened and Tabitha walked in.

"Hey m-" she noticed his depressed look, "Dil..." She sat next to her best friend, and secret crush. She loved how happy and carefree he always was. Like no one could ever bring him down because he was in his own little world. And how when he was nervous he would talk about the most random topics from squids to alien invasions. There weren't many people like Dil. In fact there was no one like Dil and that's why Tabitha loved him so much.

There was only one thing stopping her from confessing her feelings: he was a player. He's had short relationships with many girls. He told her that he's even tried to date Eliza - a married woman - before. Of all the girls Tabitha felt like she didn't stand a chance.

"Dil what's wrong?" She frowned as tears ran down his face.

"I-I'm not good enough for any girl. T-They always leave me..." He hid his face in his hands.

"She's trying to comfort him. Isn't that nice." Phil said with a small smile as he watched the screen, "Do you think they'll get together?"

"My bet not. Dil can't keep a lady." Dan responded and looked over a Phil with a small smile.

"I bet you twenty simollions that they're going to date."

Tabitha almost started crying right there, just seeing him like this broke her heart. She wrapped her arms around him. "Then that's their fault and their loss."

He looked up at her with his brown/black eyes, "Do you really mean that?"

She nodded, "Of course." She started blushing over how close they were and that her arms were still around him. Quickly, she pulled away, "Sorry."

"No it's ok." Dil hesitantly wrapped his arms around her, missing how it felt to hug her. Tabitha blushed more and wiped away his tears.



"W-Would you maybe wanna... Be my girlfriend?" He adverted his eyes, instantly regretting asking.

"Yes!" She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Yes! They're dating!" Phil grinned and looked over at Dan who was already looking at him. "I get twenty simollions."

Dan rolled his eyes and looked back at the game. "Oh god it gives them the option to woohoo. Nope nope big bag of nope."

(A/N) don't judge I got this idea at 3:00 am.

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