5 Kinds Of Drunk People

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~~~~~Silly drunk~~~~

"Phil!~" Dan giggled and slung his arms around his neck. Phil lightly blushed but non the less pushed his arms away.

"Dan why don't you lie down before you break anything else..." He tried to gently push him onto the couch but he just stood back up.

"Phil let's dance," he took one of his hands and started sloppily slow dancing with him, or something along the lines of dancing. As he spun him around Phil laughed slightly. He couldn't help it, drunk Dan was hilarious. Not to mention a bit adorable the way he couldn't stop laughing even though nothing was happening and his dimples sinking into his cheeks.

~~~~Emotional drunk~~~~

Dan slid down the wall in the kitchen, a hand running down his face. Phil walked in a moment later and noticed him. It broke his heart to see him like this, "Uh, Dan?"

"Phil I can't believe that thing I did all those years ago..." A few tears ran down his face and his friend sat next to him before gently wiping them away for him.

"It's ok." He didn't know what he was talking about, but it was most likely going to be something ridiculous or something that didn't make any sense.

"I know you probably don't love me like that but I literally need you. I'm a wreck without you..." He lied his head on Phil's shoulder lazily. He didn't know whether it was true or just because of the alcohol - he'd have to ask him in the morning.

~~~~~Angry drunk~~~~~

"I need to punch someone." Dan quickly paced back and forth while Phil watched him.

"What's wrong?" He held a pillow in front of himself.

"I have problems I don't know how to deal with." He snapped through gritted teeth.

Hesitantly, he asked, "Would you like to talk about them?"

"Does it look like I want to talk about them, Phil?!" He nearly yelled. Phil sighed and continued to eye him as he angrily walked around the room. Although his outburst didn't really upset him because he knew it was only because he drank, honestly he thought it was kinda hot.

~~~~Sexual predator drunk~~~~

Phil walked down the stairs, looking at his phone until he felt a hand slowly crawl up his leg. Immediately, he stopped and looked down at Dan, "Uh what are you doing?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Shh~" He stood up, almost falling over in the process, before putting his finger over Phil's lips. "You're hotter than the sun, sweet cheeks."

He chuckled at his obviously drunk friend, "Is that you're attempt at flirting with me?"

"Uh huh." He slapped him on the butt, "Don't speak." Phil was taken aback by Dan kissing him, tasting the beer on his lips.

~~~~~~Tired drunk~~~~~

Phil walked into his room to Dan asleep, lying on the floor with streamers on his head and a banana resting on his side. Without even having to question he knew he had drank while he was gone. "Dan...?" He shook his shoulder in an attempt to wake him up and get him off the floor.

"Huh?" He groaned and covered his face.

"Get up." Phil tried to pull him up by grabbing his hand but that wasn't working. Sighing, he managed to lift him up bridal style and lie him onto his bed. Not bothering to put him in his own room. They lied down side by side and Dan nuzzled his face in the crook of Phil's neck to shield his eyes from the light of the lamp and mumbled a small thank you.

Phan One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora