Anime!AU (Part 2)

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It's been two weeks since that night and it's all Phil's thought about - especially Dan. The way when he spoke to him his big chestnut eyes held a loving, admiring look, how gentle his touch was like he could never hurt him.

He continued to think about him as he walked home from his friend's house. He knew it wasn't the smartest idea to be walking the streets late at night but it was his only choice. What if I accidentally walk into a mob and they kidnap me for being a witness. But I'm innocent. What if there's a demon goose th-

Something covered his mouth and pulled him into an alley. He tried to push him away, especially when the person took a knife out of their back pocket and held it up to his neck, but failed. Tears ran down Phil's face as he gave up and decided to accept his fate. He closed his eyes and embraced himself for what was next but only heard yelling before the person holding him fell down. Phil stumbled over but regained his posture before looking up to see non other than Dan, kitchen knife in hand.

"Are you ok?" He asked, stepping closer to get a better look of his face.

"Y-yeah." He took his attention away from the bleeding body of the man who tried to kill him and looked up at the brunette.

"No you're bleeding." He pointed out the huge gash across his shoulder. Only then did Phil feel a stinging pain run up his arm.

"It's fine, um," he stared into those eyes that he had missed, "Thank you for helping me... Again." Phil smiled shyly, earning a smile from Dan as well.

"It's my pleasure. You seem to attract crazy people, don't you?" He chuckled. Like me...

"I do." He laughed slightly.

"Let me walk you home." Dan held out his hand and he took it. Their hands seemed to fit like puzzle pieces, like they were made to go together. He tried his best not to let his fangirl side show at the fact that his senpai was holding his hand.

Once they'd gotten to his apartment Phil turned to him, "Thank you again, Dan."

His heart fluttered every time he heard him say his name. "It's my pleasure." He smiled at him, momentarily forgetting the sadness he had before. "Let me help with that." He pointed to the still bleeding gash that had covered his shirt in blood, before walking around his apartment, trying to find a first aid kit of some sort.

"You don't have to do that." Phil said as he fell onto his bed, exhausted. Dan soon after walked into his room. 'I can't believe I'm in senpai's bedroom 0///0' He thought to himself before pushing his fantasy's aside and turning his attention to the needle and thread in his hand.

"This might hurt at first," He told him before he started stitching the cut together. Phil winced and Dan felt bad, for he never wanted him to experience even the slightest bit of pain. After a few minutes his crystal blue eyes started getting heavy from sleep and he could barely keep his eyes open. Dan glanced over at him and smiled slightly. He looked so peaceful and beautiful in his eyes, he wished he could see him everyday. Wake up to him lying by his side, knowing that he was ok before wrapping his arms around him as a way to protect him from everything in the outside world.

Once Dan was done with the stitches he looked at Phil to realize that he was asleep. Quiet little snorts coming from him and his chest gently rising and falling. He leaned over and kissed him on the forehead, "'til next time, love." He whispered before walking out of his apartment. He wanted, he needed, to stay with him forever but how could he when he was constantly running from the cops for protecting the one he loved the most.

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