July 31, 2015 Dear Dairy: Mystery

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This isn't about my pageant. Nothing to do with it. My aunt just brought a guy right now in the middle of the night or now...morning. 12:11am right now. I mean I guess its normal but...first time this ever happens. So mostly it was kind of awkward. But here you go:

Me: *Gets out of the room the hear voices. One my Aunts and the other is a thick males voice*

Aunt and mysterious person: *Chats and chats*

Aunt: Okay wait here *Goes to me* Sharh come and meet someone *She thens pulls me toward the living room*

Me: *Once I get into the living room I see a guys face. I felt a stream of fear run though my body once I saw the face*

Mysterious person: Hey Sharh...

Me: *Turns around and runs toward my grandmothers room*

Aunt and mysterious person: *Chats softly which is too soft that I can't hear*

~~Moments later~~

Me and my sister: *Walks slowly into the kitchen*

Sister: Is he still here? *mumbles*

 Me: Maybe. Who knows? *shrugging*

*Hears the voices*

Me: Nope. He's here alright.

Aunt: Sharh stop being shy and come out.

Me: *I come out* I'm not shy I'm justing writing a story.

Mysterious guy: Seems like an excuse.

Aunt: *Interups* You speck Japanese right? Sharh is still learning. 

Mysterious guy: *Saids a a few word in Japanese*

Me: *Understands* You just asked..."Who are you?"

Aunt: *Looks confused*

Mysterious guy: *Looks at my aunt* I'm just waiting for an answer.

Me: He asked who am I. But I don't know how to say "I am" in Japanese yet.

~~Talks in  Japanese me and the mysterious guy~~

Mysterious guy: Should I let her play with my eye? 

Me: *Looks at my scared sister hiding in grandma's room*

Mysterious guy: *Looks like he's taking up this eyeball* 

Me: *Suddenly gets creeped and runs toward my sister*

~And the rest is weird, really really weird~~

First time in forever had my Aunt ever brought home a guy  a-l-o-n-e. Anyways I hope you will enjoy the nest chapter about my pageant. :D 

Ja mata ne mina~san! Oysanumi minna! ^^

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