August 9, 2015 Dear Dairy: Pissed off and Scared?!

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Sorry I haven't updated for a while. It was because I caught a bad fever so I slept all day yesterday with a head ache but have a sore throat right now. And the day before that I had watched a whole season of Red Data Girl or R.D.G which is only 12 episodes. And my aunties "teasing" boyfriend called in that day. And guess what?! My aunt had forced me to say simply "Hi". But the part I'm simply pissed of is that he can talk Japanese when he wasn't born in Japen and isn't Japanese. Also he taught himself. I evey him for that. But I love that he's an otaku like meh. Well thats what my aunt said hahaha. 

Funny part in conversation:

My little sister: What does ecchi mean?

Me: O.O (P-please don't ask that?!)

Auntie's BF: *Explains* ( I don't remember cause I didn't listen but I know what Ecchi is)

Me: (How does she know about Ecchi?!?)

~~2 days later (which is today)~~

Aunt: My love (thats what she said also because I have no clue what her BF's name is) thought you called him a "pervert"

Me: (When did I?! I mean...I don't even know the Japanese of pervert!) O__O Umm...I did not.

Aunt: Okay I'll stop bothering you. I told him it was maybe you little sister Sharh. 

~~10 minutes later and my Aunt explains don't trust people on the internet and don't EVER meet up with them~~

Aunt: There was 2 similar girls who was both killed by the same man. After killing the first girl he buys a luggage at Walmat and takes the girls dead body and puts it in it. Then he throws it into a garbage.

Me: (Why...are you telling me this?! *kinda scared*) O_O...

Aunt: *Continues* They (Police and ETC) managed to open up their chatting rooms and places of meet ups. Then next a 16 year old girl a missing. The case was very similar so they checked the whole garage. It was too very big so...

Me: *Somewhat getting confused*

Aunt: a lot of people volunteered to find the lost girls body. After 3 months of endless searching they finally found a flat luggage. And inside was...*Stopped for some dramatic effect which creeped me up* the 16 year olds hair. A piece of the girls hair totally matches the missing girls DNA. The man that burned her body to leave no evidence exempt her hair. And this was all because those girls chatted online. *Dead serious* So be careful of talking to peeps online and NEVER EVER meet of with them. Cause people are crazy these days.

Me: I realized that...

Aunt: Now off that topic...I'm going to go for a drive...See ya later! ^^

That was only 2 hours ago. Anyways I'm still pretty much creeped out and kinda scared. Well bye! Next on Dear Dairies...

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