August 22,2015 Dear Dairy: Perfect Boy and B-day me

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Dear Dairy:

Omg, OMg, OMG!!! It's almost my birthday! Meaning I will finally be able to use my phone which I have been wanting to use for over one month! I'll give you a clue on whens my birthday; I'm a Virgo. Ohhh and I'm not planning to make this a Dear Diary thing cause so far I haven't been able to do anything fun nor interesting for you to all read. This is more of a "Dear Boy" type.


Dear Boy,

         I know I'm still young to be thinking about this but as they always say "It's better early 

then late".  In my spare time now I have always been thinking about my future mate.

 I hope we do meet soon. Don't worry about me comparing you to other guys, cause I 

won't and I hope you don't too. Also don't  worry where we go out on our dates, 

what matters is that I'm with you. 

No need to show off, I'll aways love you even if you miss the ball in basketball. 

Please stay with me when I'm feeling down. Just a hug from you will easily 

heal the pain. Please remember I may be greedy when your around other girl 

and maybe...jealous as well. And I promise not to start world war 3. 

I'm a girl who enjoys to write stories as well as volunteering in my community. And I 

maybe a bit hyper and crazy sometimes. But I hope that's why you love me.

Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Call me cute, and I'll sure blush 

and call you a baka (Idiot in Japanese. Don't feel offended I'm just embarrassed 

and happy. 

Go on and kiss me when though your scared. I promise I won't push 

you away cause I know your kiss will be perfect cause it's you.

I will always love you even if we do break up. I always will and I hope 

you remember that. For now you don't need to know my name. 

You'll know when you meet me.

                                                                                               From the girl who's dying to meet you <3


O.K so that came from my heart so please don't judge me. Anyways if something comes up I'll be sure to add it to this chapter but right this moment...nothing yet.

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