Chapter Eighteen - No Sympathy for the Devil

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Warning: Mention of self-half and suicide in this and upcoming chapters

Cas (POV)

The next morning was a blur for me. It was as if I had been drugged the night before. Dean lay beside me with his whole body curled up under the covers while he snored lightly. I didn't even know demons could sleep...

I hopped out of bed, or more like tumbled I was that dizzy and went to the window to look out. It was a complete monstrosity out there. The wind had broken the electrical wires and bins had been threw across the street. The street itself was covered in debris and rubbish from plants and the bins. It looked a state.

It was then I realised that it was Sunday morning and I had a choir to preach too which the thought of made me feel physically sick to my stomach. I get ready fairly quickly, not even bothering to comb my hair back and while I was dean was waking up.

"Nice sex hair father." He drawled lightly and I glance at him and smile.

"Whose fault is that then?" I laugh and comb my fingers through it smoothly. "Oh well, it's not like the congregation have never seen a bad hair day before."

"Who said anything about a bad hair day. Personally I find your sex hair enormously attractive." Dean shrugs and yawns before getting out of bed. Id be lying to you and myself if I said i didn't blush at deans nakedness but then again, who wouldn't?

"what are you staring at Novak! Never seen an ass as good as mine before? What am I saying? Of course you haven't." He winked at mine which made me blush even more. I turned back back on him and began searching for my white collar as part of my uniform.

"Looking for this?" Dean asks from behind me after about five minutes of me searching and muttering to myself. I turn around and find dean spread naked on the bed with only the white collar around his neck.

"Dean! Give it back!" I gasp and go beet root red.

"come and get it kid." Dean smiled, his tongue peeking out through his sparkling white teeth. I grinned and jumped onto the bed, trying to grab my collar off dean but he easily just rolled me over and pinned me down.

"Oh come on! I gotta go to work!" I exclaim and try to wiggle out of Deans grip.

"You can't go to work at a church without some hot sex from your demon lover first." Dean growled and grinned before starting to kiss and suck at my bottom lip. My eyes flutter close as I instantly melt into the kiss and wrap my legs around his waist.

Dean reaches a hand down my trousers and begins palming me gently whole rocking his body into mine slowly. I let a small moan fall from my lips and arch my hips to push myself more into his hand. Dean quickly strips me off from the waist down and undoes my shirt buttons but doesn't bother taking the black shirt from off my back, instead it just hangs loosely from one of my shoulders.

"We really don't have time for this." I murmur into his lips and he keep stroking my dick and kissing me roughly.

"Sure we do." He growls back and runs his tongue from my neck down to my abdomen smoothly. I give a sharp intake of breath when he wraps his pink lips around my tip and the gasp turns into a pleasured moan quickly. His tongue flicks against my slit which makes my back arch off the bed and my eyes close tightly.

"F-fuck Dean." I moan out in a whimper as dean runs his tongue down the underside of my côck and licks at my base. He lifts my legs up high and his tongue presses against my hole which makes my legs shake slightly and my grip tighten on the bed sheets.

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned || Destiel - Demon!Dean & Priest!CastielWhere stories live. Discover now