Chapter Twenty-Two - Antikristo

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Cas (POV) 

"He doesn't look much like the devil." Where the first words out of my mouth. Both Benny and Dean sighed while Lucifer gave me a blank, cold stare which sent chills down my spine. 

"Well what did you expect. Horns and a tail?" The so called devil said to me and gave me a wicked grin that I pulled my face up at. 

"I suppose so." I murmur back and back up against the stone cold wall, looking down at my feet as Lucifer looked back at Dean, the cold stare coming back onto his face. 

"You took something from me."

"What?" Dean snapped, clearly not understanding anything that was going on. To Dean, Lucifer was still meant to be in the cage so i couldn't comprehend what kind of fear must be rushing through the demon right now. Suddenly Lucifer laughed.

"My my, Dean Winchester as a demon. It rather suits you, you know. But that doesn't excuse your actions. That boy there died for a reason and you had no right pulling him out of hell. I've left Crowley alone because he's doing a rather good job collecting the souls i need, but now he's made the biggest mistake of his career. Letting that boy go." He points to me and i cower more against the wall a if i wished i would become apart of it. 

"He didn't die for a reason! He would never kill himself!" Dean snapped and all three beings looked at me. Rather than giving them an answer for what the reason for my killing myself was, i started laughing hysterically. It was one of those moments where you just couldn't help it, the worst possible time. Like a giggle at a funeral. 

The reason for my laughter was because i though of a beginning of a joke. A demon, the devil and a vampire walk into a cave... Yeah, now was really not the time to be thinking of such things. 

"Look at him, he's gone crazy because of his death that wasn't meant to happen and you know it! He didn't kill himself because he wanted to, he killed himself because someone pushed him to do it. And i think i have a pretty clear idea who."

"Hey, i know who you are now!" I exclaim as i look closer at the devil who was grimacing at Dean but keeping a cool exterior at the accusation made. All three looked at me against as i point to Lucifer. "You're my new therapist!" 

Dean turned back around slowly to glare at Lucifer who smirked nastily and let out a low, animal-like chuckle. 

"I should have known. You manipulated him into this! Why did you do it?!" 

"I don't think that is any of your business, demon." Lucifer snarled back while i sat down on the floor and put my head in my hands. "All you need to know is that boy belongs to me now. He belongs down here. And there is nothing you can do about it."

"He's just a stupid little priest, what do you want with him?" Dean argued, not going down without a fight.

"I think you and me both know that he is more that just a stupid little priest. He's something more..."

"You means a nephalim? There a loads of those about, go and get your own, devil!" Dean snarled, his eyes turning black.

"Are you challenging me hunter? Do you seriously think that that is a good idea?" Lucifer sounded amused as he circled around Dean, like a snake preying on it's victim. 

"Best idea i've had all day in my opinion." Dean snarled back, keeping both eyes on the circling, smirking devil. 

"And how is it that you're going to defeat me? Angel Blade? The First Blade? With your bare hands?" Lucifer laughed darkly, his eyes shining an ice cold blue. 

Without any of them noticing and start crawling towards the cave door. I was trapped between a rock and a hard place with a demon and a devil fighting over me, i couldn't just sit there and take it. Instead i slipped out of the cave and into the night. There was no air, so it wasn't cold. It was quiet, too quiet and it made me feel uncomfortable. 

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned || Destiel - Demon!Dean & Priest!CastielWhere stories live. Discover now