Chapter Twenty-Five - This Isn't You

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A/N: I realised I didn't make myself clear... Cas is not a leviathan...

Dean (POV)

"You're not Cas."

"Wrong! Of course I'm Cas, you fool." He snapped at me and rolled his eyes. I lean back from his slightly, not knowing what to do as his black eyes seemed like they were staring into my soul. "But the Cas you knew?" He shrugged and snickered slightly. "Hm, he's gone!"

"What happened to the priest I knew?" I ask in a faded voice, it didn't even sound like it was coming from me.

"He's gone. I realised i could be so much more than that. So much more than a petty little priest with a dirty apartment as my congregation got smaller and smaller by the second. People lost faith in god, and so they lost faith in the church. They lost faith in me. Do you know what it's like to have a small crappy church with a dwindling population of attenders? I told myself that it was all still for the greater good, that it was all part of God's plan. Do you know what happened then?"

"What?" I ask, my voice raspy.

"You came along." He hissed back, grating his teeth together. "You ruined my whole life, demon. Everything would have been so much easier if you had never showed up in my town. If you had never decided to visit the confession box. If you had never decided to get beaten up by those two hunters in the alley way."

"Well, that was your fault for saving me." I snap in reply. Why was a scare? I was basically the knight of hell and Cas was just... Cas.

"You dare say that to me!" He growls.

"NO! YOU dare say that shit to me! I think you're forgetting just who you are talking to."

"I'm talking to a lowly demon." He smirks and i laugh and shake my head which surprises him a little.

"I am not just a demon, Castiel. I didn't die and become a demon in hell, i wasn't possessed and i certainly wasn't born a demon. You see this?" I show him the mark on my arm. "This is a mark that I CHOSE to have on my arm. This is what is making me a demon. It makes me more powerful, stronger, and darker then you could ever imagine."

"You're not the only one who has marks Dean. Did you know that i wasn't born on earth?" He grinned and paced the room. I was hoping that my own little speech would scare him but it seemed to just make him amused. "That's right, i was born in the depths of hell. I lived in hell for five-hundred years before coming up to earth and forgetting my memory. But i remember everything now. Being in hell brought flashes back but... it was when Lucifer paid me a visit i finally understood."

"Understood what?" I huff out, putting my hand behind my back to grip onto the first blade there. Please don't make me kill you Cas. To my surprise he starts taking off his shirt, but before i can say anything he turns around and shows me his back. I look a little closer and see two deep cuts from his neck down to either waist like and upside down V.

"They look like wing marks." I say in confusion as he turns back around again. He nods his head and looks a little sad.

"I was born with wings, but apparently when i tried to get onto earth some time ago, Michael came down and he ripped out my wings. He got rid of my memory and made me into a priest, made me into something that i'm completely the opposite of. The angel found it funny, he found it ironic to wipe my whole memory and set me up as a priest."

He genuinely looked hurt by what Michael had done to him. It was clear he could remember everything now. I try to rattle my brain to find out what he was exactly.

"So, are you a fallen angel?" I ask hesitantly. However he shakes his head and sighs.

"No Dean. I'm the Devil's son. I'm the anti-Christ apparently. I'm like that little boy from the Omen!" He starts wailing into his hands, crying hard as i step back in surprise and look down at him. I had absolutely no idea what was going on. One minute he was vicious and dark and cold and cool, the next minute he was crying like a little baby.

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned || Destiel - Demon!Dean & Priest!CastielWhere stories live. Discover now