Engagement Party

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While getting ready for the night, i suddenly remembered that i didn't go to the airport to meet the Pilot person. Now everything was just a waste. All my hard work, abandoning my movie for a week, leaving and lying to Taeyeon, losing my bag, meeting Nichkhun. It was all a waste. I realized that i was never going to see the pilot guy ever again. I wore the beautiful dress and had my hair up in a loose bun, wore my dangly earrings, blusher, lipstick, perfume, and my red heels. I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror. I never had a dress that fit so perfectly and made me feel so grown up.

I went out of my room to find Nichkhun already there with a black tuxedo. He looked extremely handsome. Unlike usual times, he had a neat hairstyle, a cleaner look and he was smiling. "Wow, so pretty."

"My fairy godmother has good taste, don't you think?" I teased. Nichkhun gave a satisfactory smile and a wink.

"I can't resist the heels, although it makes me look short." Nichkhun confessed. He stood up from the sofa that he sat on and took my hand, and led me out of the house and to the car.

"How did you get it in my room?"

"I'm magician. Don't ask me stupid questions." He sniggered.

We arrived at the Grand Hotel and head to the hall, and half of me wanted to run away because the hall was filled with famous people that I've only seen on TV. There were a few Korean celebrities as well, but mainly american rich tycoon. "I'll be going to the ladies room first before going in, okay. Everyone here look so dressed up." I regretted saying that because i realized it was nichkhun that had bought my dress and i sounded as if i didn't appreciate what he had given. "I mean, i look terribly gorgeous, thanks to you, but my face needs some work."

Nichkhun, instead of being hurt, laughed. "You know you don't have to worry about how you look. Everyone here are too obnoxious and too self-conscious about how they look to even bother about yours."

"Hey that's good! But i gotta go anyway."

"Alright. Be fast, I'll go in first, okay."

After a short trip to the ladies room (i was so nervous!) , i went back and a man asked for my name before proceeding to the hall. Half of me expected him to look at me weirdly and asked where my mom was and why such a young girl like me would be at a high class party like this, but i gulped slowly and said "Tiffany... Miss... Hwang... Miss Tiffany Hwang." I said nervously. I didn't know what was wrong with me. He nodded and smiled.

"Miss Tiffany Hwang." He announced to everyone, but only few were looking. While going down the huge stairs, i could see Nichkhun looking and smiling at me, pointing towards me at his friend.

I went to him, and waited for him to introduce me to his friend. But he didn't. His friend was the one that talked to me first. "Who's this?" He said.

"Oh, this.. this is Tiffany. Tiffany, meet Daniel Henney." He said, as if he just realized i was there.

"Wait.... Daniel?" I said, finally realizing that it was Daniel. He had changed so much.

"Tiffany? Tiffany Hwang?! Wow! You look different!"

"It's the dress." I winked at Nichkhun, but his smile had faded.

"You two know each other?" Nichkhun asked coldly.

"Yeah. He was in my movie." I smiled, ignoring his cold looks.

"Hey, i heard that Dennis Oh is in your new movie! That's so cool, you do know that Dennis, David and I are good friends right? But Dennis couldn't make it today, but he'll come to the wedding." Daniel and I began to talk even more. We chatted for quite a while, laughing and reminiscing.

After all this timeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ