The reason why

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Taeyeon's POV

I was rummaging through some stuffs that Wooyoung gave me, when suddenly i heard the door cracked open slowly. "Taeyeonie?" the voice said. I recognized the voice immediately. "Sorry, you left the front door open... You know how dangerous it is to leave it open? And since Tiffany is in America... You shouldn't leave it open... Taeyeon did you hear me?"

"Are you a rapist?" I turned around to face him and gave him a smirk.

"... No. What are you saying?" He said, confused.

"Then it is safe." I sighed.

"I'm just saying that you shouldn't leave it open next time, okay? I want you safe." He was stern at first, but then his face changed into something i've never seen before. His expression was sincere. Like he really did care.

"... I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay... what are you doing?" He asked.

"Just going through some stuffs... you know... wooyoung."

"Ah. Well, I'm glad you reminded me. I wanted to give you his suicidal note that he left. I thought you might want to have it..."


"I'm sorry that i read it. I shouldn't have read it. I didn't want to, but it was there. Just laid on the table next to him. I couldn't stand just seeing it like that. I didn't even give it to the police. I knew he wouldn't want me to." He took out a piece of paper from his jeans pocket and passed it on to me. I took it but then placed it in a box.

"Aren't you going to read it?"

"Later... when you're not here. I don't want you to see me cry again." I smiled.

"I don't want to see you cry. It hurts me more than it hurts you." He suddenly came closer to me and gave me a tight hug.

"I love you, Cho Kyuhyun. Not as much as before, but...."

Kyuhyun suddenly gave me another tight hug. Tighter than before. "Thank you." He quickly said, not releasing the hug. I widened my eyes in shock. Was this guy crazy?


"You don't say you love me often... I was getting worried."

"Kyu- you have to listen properly... i said not as much as i was before you lied to me."

"I don't care ! You love me again, and that is all i need, Kim Taeyeon. I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you to love me fully again but in the meantime I'm just so happy." He kissed my cheek and jumped happily.

"You look happy."

"I am. You're the reason why. I love you, Kim Taeyeon. Even if you don't love me like you used to, but you will try, right? You will try to love me again? I will do everything to make it up to you. Just promise me you'll try. And I'll wait, I'll wait forever."

I nodded and gave him a smile. He hugged me for the third time and then kissed my forehead. "I'll wait forever." He repeated.


Tiffany's POV

It was the night of Victoria's wedding, and I was wearing a dark purple silk and sparkly dress that made me look too young for my age and a 6 inch high heel to match with my silver purse. My hair was slightly curled and neat. I also attached a pair of crystal earrings on my ear.

I came out of the red room after spraying myself an apple and chocolate perfume. Nichkhun who was feeding "Khunnie" and "Fany" looked at me with his jaw dropped. The same thing happened to Taecyeon, who was reading one of Nichkhun's dusty books.

"So... how do i look?"

"Enchanting." Taecyeon said.

"Beautiful..." Nichkhun added.

"Yah, Khun, you're drooling." Taecyeon laughed.

"Look who's talking, wide-eyed perv?" Nichkhun backfired.

I decided not to get involved and changed the subject. "So, are we ready to go or what?" I smiled.

"Yes, sure." Nichkhun said, fixing his tie. He took his keys and invited us outisde to his car.

It was a beach wedding at night, and it was filled with extravagant people who dressed up in expensive jewelleries and designer dresses and bags and shoes. I felt so out of place, but tried to snap out of it. The food looked unfamilliar as i never had any fancy dinners like it before and i couldn't even pronounce most of the french cuisine served. The beach was filled with hanging lanterns and had a huge transparent tent with a chandelier.

"Wait till you see the fireworks." Taecyeon winked.

"Can't wait." i said nervously.

Victoria came in a princes-like wedding dress as the music started to play, and David waited at the isle, smiling widely.

After they shared their vows and kiss, the real party started. Everyone started mingling and socializing as well as dancing, but i felt awkward and decided to stay quiet.

There were soft jazzy background music, but I couldn't help but to be attracted by the sound of the ocean waves. I went towards the water and took off my killer heels. I dipped my feet in the tickling cold water and began to play around in it. I was glad that everyone was dancing under the beautiful tent and no one dared to ruin their pretty dresses near the beach. I was content being alone in the dark.

"I was searching for you." Nichkhun suddenly came to me. I rolled my eyes.

"I was hoping you wouldn't find me."

"May i have this dance?" Nichkhun asked, ignoring my witty but mean remark.

"Sure, why not." I sighed after a long consideration. "But there's no music."

"The sound of the waves could be our music."

"It has a really nice beat." I laughed.

He took my hand and joined me in the water.

"You're going to ruin your shoes." I said.

"It's okay. I'm not like the guys in the wedding. I don't wear designer shoes. Mine was from a market." He chuckled.

Although i might kill myself for this, but it was actually nice,dancing with him, without any distractions. It was just us. But our dance ended, and we went back to reality.

I couldn't believe my eyes, but i saw Taecyeon kissing someone else. Yoon Yul.

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