Fighting Each Other Chap 2 |Edited|

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Third Person's P.O.V: Everyone in the manor had woken up to the loudest quarrel they had ever heard in their lives in the mansion everyone rushed down stairs after hearing a big banging sound to find Jeff and EJ fighting each other literally.


"I FUCKING HATE YOU TOO YOU GOD DAMN EYELESS FREAK!" Jeff said as they both charged at each other.

Slender hurry up and step in while you have the chance to he does so a non-amused look on his face which is faceless. Slenderman's idea of groups was terrible the two hadn't been getting along ever since.

'That's it I've had enough of you two you are no longer going to be working in a group also you two will have to now be fifty feet away from each other.' Slenderman said.

'Yes boss.' Both replied taking fifty steps away from each other.

'Good now go back to sleep it's freaking three a.m. in the morning.' Slenderman says as everyone heads back to bed.

EJ'S P.O.V: I cannot sleep after he told everyone to go back to bed did Jeff honestly think that about me? I sniffed as black ooze dripped from my mask I don't know something is wrong with me I cannot describe how it feels my heart feels like it is broken. I've never had the other feeling that I had a couple weeks ago when the assignment was first assigned to do teams I had butterflies in my stomach, but why? Oh my god I'm not gay or anything what is this feeling? I grab out my laptop don't ask how I got it because you know already what I did. I typed in 'Define Love' the description popped up on google chrome I read it. Eww eww no I must not be falling for him auggh, but something says I want this I'm not gay though >_>. I hurriedly deleted my history completely as BEN pops out from the computer.

"AUUUUUGH!" I slam the laptop shut.

"Owwwche." Ben cries what a big baby.

"S-sorry!" I said quickly opening the laptop pulling BEN out.

"Dude what the fuck were you thinking?" I asked.

"Well I can hack into computers and well I saw you typing in 'Describe Love.' sooo who you in love with?" Ben asks curiously.

"It's none of your business!" I snapped.

"Woah calm down I promise I won't tell anyone." Ben says.

"You swear cause if not I'll snap your neck." I threatened.

"Yes gee I promise!" Ben said.

"I think I love Jeff." I whispered in Ben's ear.

"WWWWHAT?!?!" Ben yelled as I covered his mouth with my glove.

"Shhh shut up people are sleeping." I whispered. "Promise you won't scream again? I will let go." I said as he shook his head. "Good." I said then let go.

"Why do you think this?" Ben whispered.

"I-i don't know okay." I whispered back.

BEN'S phone goes off it's a text from Jeff of course at the right ahem I mean wrong time!

BEN'S P.O.V: As soon as I saw what Jack was typing up I decided to go through the computer screen bad idea.

"AUUUUUGH!" EJ said slamming the laptop shut.

"Owwwche." I cried.

"S-sorry!" EJ says opening up the laptop pulling me out.

"Dude what the fuck were you thinking?" EJ asked.

"Well I can hack into computers and well I saw you typing in 'Describe Love.' sooo who you in love with?" I ask curiously.

"It's none of your business." EJ snaps.

"Woah calm down I promise I won't tell anyone." I said.

"You swear cause if not I'll snap your neck." EJ threatened.

"Yes gee I promise!" I said.

"I think I love Jeff." EJ whispered in my ear.

"WWWWHAT?!?!" I yelled as he covered my mouth with his glove.

"Shhh shut up people are sleeping." EJ whispered "Promise you won't scream again? I will let go." EJ said as I shook my head. "Good." EJ said letting go.

"Why do you think this?" I whispered.

"I-i don't know." EJ whispered back.

Just then guess who texts its Jeff I take out my phone guess what Jeff says he says for some reason he's in love with EJ. Dafuq? I just randomly text 'Dude you two need to sort out this damned problem it's not mine just talk to him.' I say getting up from EJ's bed.

"See you later EJ." I said walking out.

"See you also." EJ had said.

ERMEGAWD INTENSE FEELS WHAT A PLOT TWISTY OR SHALL I SAY TWISTER!!!! EM first time writing something as weird as gay shippings don't get mad at me. It'll probably end up being sexy asf *thinks about it getting massive anime nosebleed* uhhhh >_> you didn't see the anime nosebleed did you? Heh you are probably saying I should go see a doctor lulz.

The Scalpel & Kitchen Knife (Eyeless Jack x Jeff The Killer)Where stories live. Discover now