Chapter 8:Engaged

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Pierrette's POV
The next morning, Taylor and I eat breakfast.
"Taylor, guess what? Mommy is going to marry daddy," I told her.
"Yay," she said.
Plans for the wedding are underway. We are going to have it next September.
Around Christmas time, I take Taylor to see The Nutcracker. She loves it, as she did last year.
She gets many dance themed gifts for Christmas.
Taylor has a birthday, and now she is 5.
"Parents of the students on my class, I just finished telling the students that we will be having a student choreography showcase. Some of the students from grade 2 ballet and up have choreographed dances to do at the showcase. The showcase is at the Marigol Centre on April 20th at 3:00pm. If possible, we encourage you to go," Ms Margo said one day after class.
"Can we go?" Taylor asked me.
"Yes," I said.
"Taylor, come get dressed for the Choreography Showcase," I said,
Taylor came to me. I put on her a fairly nice short and some leggings.
"There we go," I said.
Then we got ready and went to the show.
We got there, and went into the auditorium. We sat in the third row.
Taylor was amazed by the show. She loved it.
It's that time of year again. Recital time. I got Taylor ready and off to dress rehearsal we went. Dress rehearsal was okay.
Today is the real show. I got Taylor and the rest of my family ready and to CEC we went. I signed Taylor in, and went to sit down.
4 dances into the show, Taylor's class was onstage when the lights came up. Their dance is from Peter Pan. Their dance is very cute, and very good.
Curtain call time. Taylor's class runs to the front of the stage, and bows perfectly.
After the bowing and the speech, I go get Taylor off the stage. I give her two roses.
"Thank you," she says.
We get cake, take pictures, and go home.
After asking Taylor, I signed her up for the summer morning camps for ages 4-5 at the dance studio. She goes, and enjoys herself.
This year, I signed Taylor up for first year ballet with Ms. Melissa. After talking to Mackenzie, I found out that she is Taylor's teaching assistant.
All the plans for the wedding are set. We are getting married in our church here in town. My gown has arrived and so have the flower girl dresses and bridesmaids dresses. I can't wait for the wedding.

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