Chapter 15:Dance Day Camp

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After Brooke took attendance, we played freeze dance. Then, we split up into 3 groups. I'm in group one, the youngest group. We go to ballet class first.
"The theme this week is nature. In ballet, your group will be trees. I'm going to start teaching you the dance," the ballet teacher said.
She taught us the dance.
"Good job Taylor. Way to pick up the choreography!" The ballet teacher called.
I smiled.
After ballet class, we had snack. I ate watermelon.
After snack, I had jazz. We did basic jazz.
After jazz we had Contemporary. We learned some Contemeraray,  since we are all 6 and 7, and we can't take Contemporary class until we are 9.
After class we grabbed our lunches and walked to a nearby Farmers Market area. My friends and I sat and ate lunch at a picnic table. As we went to sit on the grass with the rest of the camp, a 6 year old approached me.
"You are an awesome dancer. You inspire me. I want to be like you," she said.
"Thank you," I said.
I was sort of surprised.
We played telephone and then went back to the studio.
I went to ballet choreo. We learned more of our dance.
After ballet choreo, I had an activity. We played telephone.
After the game, we went to jazz choreo.
"In jazz, you guys are birds," announced Madelyn, the Jazz teacher.
We started learning our dance.
After jazz choreo , we had a class called compersistion. We defeated the purpose of composition and worked on our contemporary dance. In contemporary, we are fire and smoke. We work on our dance. I like our dance.
After that, we did cool down.
I have my splits, and people were impressed.
After cool down, we played wink murderer. After the game, my mom picked me up.
It went like that for the rest of the week.
At the end of the week, we put on a showcase with the dances with the dances we prepared. I was impressed with the group two and three dances, since they are older and better than me now. But I am going to get that good. Maybe even better.
"I liked the showcase," my mom said.
"Thanks, " I said.
The next three weeks went like that,except the themes were different. The second week's theme was movies and musicals. I was from Paper Towns, The Great Gasby and The Social Network. Those dances were fun.

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