A True Horror Story

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"The big question is," Emma said in a mocking voice rolling over to face Eve on the large couch, "who's hotter. The bad skater boy Jared, or the nice quite guy Sam!"

Eve flung her head back and stared laughing. She and her best friend Emma were both sitting on Emma's posh brown couch watching reruns of their favourite soap opera on Emma's tiny flicking TV. They both had Emma favourite blanket, which had pictures of fluffy kittens on it, wrapped around them. This was every fifteen year old girls dream.

"That's not the big question," Eve said, copying Emma's mocking voice. She helped herself to the popcorn that was sitting on a dangerous angle on Emma's lap. "The big question is who the hottest boy at our school."

"Well," Emma said tapping her fingers on the blue popcorn bowl and putting on a thoughtful expression. "Darryl. Yup, definitely Darryl.

"Ok," Eve said unsurely, sobering up. "If you like that kind of guy,"

"You don't like him," Emma asked sitting up nearly knocking the popcorn bowl off her lap. "Why not? He's hot isn't he?"

"Yeah," Eve said laying her head down on the arm of the couch. "But he never talks and he always looks at me strangely."

Darryl was the school hottie, but he didn't have any people skills whatsoever. He said next to nothing and had a bad boy reputation. He ran the school and no one ever got in his way. Last term he'd broken a window in Eve's English room by throwing a chair against. He got suspended for three weeks. He was back at school the next day.

"He looks at everyone weirdly," Emma told Eve, pulling her long blonde hair into a ponytail.

"He's still hot when he does it thought," Eve agreed.

Emma fell back on the couch laughing and the popcorn bowl jumped off her lap and onto the floor with a thud, spilling popcorn all over the ground.

"Shoot," Emma swore, well as close as Emma got to swearing. "Help me clean this up before my mum sees the mess."

With a sigh Eve got on the ground and helped Emma scoop up the popcorn and put it into the blue bowl. The only light in the small living room came from the flicking light of the TV screen, where Jared was telling Ruby that he loved her with all of his black heart. How could anyone buy that! Eve thought. I know it's just a TV show, but please!

The door to the small room bust open and a shadow stood in the doorway. Eve jumped up with fright and Emma screamed and dropped the popcorn bowl again! Eve shot Emma an evil look and bent down to pick up the popcorn as Emma's mother walked into the room.

Emma and her mum looked alike in every way. They were both short with blond hair and blue eyes. Emma's mother looked at the popcorn on the floor and she didn't look happy. Even wearing a pink dressing gown and with her hair done up in curlers she still looked pissed.

"Eve sweetie," Emma's mum said, not taking her eyes off the popcorn. "Your mother wants you home, it's late."

"Thanks but," Eve said. "Maybe I should stay and help Emma clean up."

"Don't worry about it," Emma's mum said. "Emma can do it, but you can always stay the night and come to church with us in the morning if you want?"

Nothing could get Eve out of the house faster than Emma's mother talking about church. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Emma give her an apologetic look.

"Thanks," Eve said carefully. "But I should get home before my mum starts to worry,"

"Oh," Emma's mum said, looking worried as Eve stood up. "Well that's ok, maybe next time."

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