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She had done this a thousand times but now it was different. She realised that last night didn't change anything thing. Maybe wait a month, that's enough recovery time 2months. Ugh she didn't even know why she was thinking this because she didn't like him. Definitely not. No.
Ok maybe, but his gorgeous face didn't mean anything. His amassing pretty boy face. His beautiful red hair and matching freckles. His adorable miss matching eyes, one blue one green. She had to remember that Him being 6 ft so they look all tumblr prefect together mean absolute scwat. She sighed at the image of him in her head. No, no she can't not after the last one. Jack.
She couldn't believe it had been over a year all ready since him. She missed his warm arms and soft skin. He had always done the same thing each night.
"Hey Kayles, look I lost my pants. Are we in France?" He gleefully looked at the girl that he admired with all her heart.
"Put your flipping pants on you butthole" she sneered to cover up her live for the naked idiot.
"It was a McFly joke you, butthole" he repeated in a over dramatic high voice. "I do this every night how do you getting it by now"
She peered over her glasses at the biggest loser she'd ever love, her big, beautiful purple eyes trying to conceal her joy.
Because of her Alexandria's genesis she had dark black hair and beautiful pale white skin shimmering skin which Jack loved. Jack used to call her a vampire, but at least she didn't have to shave ever. Which was her favourite thing about having that disease.
She still found it hard that Jacob was and isn't is, now.
Kayle was possibly the strangest women you'll ever talk to she was, how'd you put it, curvy? with tiny features. Except for her giant eyes and fore head, she likes to refer to herself as the anime Frankenstein's monster. She layed down as she remembered her time with Jack. While she listened to, oh, oh great. say something by a great big world, Classic Kayles. Be that sad person, Jesus.
She slowly remembered the first day she met jack. They had just started there art GSCE and the good kids/ the overflow kids got put in the extra art room. It was her, Jack and 3 other boys. Obviously she was sat alone with Rosie just a text away. She was used to people staring at her but as she painted her vase in Buddhist symbols. She couldn't help but become uncomfortable about the elephants, I mean boys in the room. She had just been casually drawing a Hamsa and easdropping on the boys talking, when a boy with a chiseled face and giant black eyebrows with brown hair asked her a question. The boy waved in her general direction, then clicked his fingers at the girls. This was not a good move. Especially because kayles was not afraid to punch a sexist pig.
"You girl," you girl oh this better be good she thought dropping her brush in the red murky water. She snap her body to face them and pierced the boys body with the most frightening eyes she could muster. Until she thought about how beautiful his excrement coloured eyes where. Which was weird because there literally the colour of human waste. Kayles being the simple girl she was obviously confused love for hate I proceeded to glare at her rugged opposition.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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