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"Your boys late today!" Rachel quietly teases me while we organize books on the shelf.
"He normally makes it in to see you before your break, but you have 5 more minutes, Chance."
I laugh a little, "maybe he finally has enough books" I really wanted to see him though, I did.
"Alright guys, I'll be back in an hour." I let the other two know before I start to pack up. Just as I start to move out from the counter, the bell on the door dings.
"Hi Chance" Frank grins.
"Oh,hi Frank, I was just going on break"
"No she wasn't!" Ashley yells from the back, considering the store was now empty of people but us and Frank.
"She's got half a day today, see you tomorrow Chance!!"
I can't help but laugh noticing what Ashley was doing, and Frank couldn't either.
"Well, happy hunting, I'll see you next time Frank" I raise my voice so Ashley can hear: "and I'll be back in an hour Ashley" I finish with a laugh.
I start to walk but he lightly grabs my arm and stops me.
"Hey wait" he begins.
"I actually came to ask you something"
I raise my eyebrows.
"Would you..would you like to go out sometime? Maybe, right now?" He chuckles at his last sentence.
Before I can answer Rachel and Ashley fumble around loudly in the back as they try and quietly hide their excitement, distracting Frank and I.
"Right now?" I ask.
"If that's alright with you.." He trails off.
"Yeah! Sure, what do you want to do?" I grin as we walk out the door.
He gently holds my hand as we leave the store, which catches me off guard considering how timid he normally is.
He looks around with his usual child like expression, like he's thinking hard, and we walk quiet for a little bit.
"Mhmm?" He turns and looks at me.
"A while ago, before I even knew your name..when I was on lunch, you were hanging around, do you remember??"
"No?" He gives me a confused look.
"I always go right home, how do you think I read so fast!" A slight grin grows on his face as he looks at me, not really appearing bothered by my last question.
"Do you live around here?" I ask him as we stroll hand in hand.
"Uhh, kinda. I live in the suburbs, maybe 20 minutes from here."
I nod my head.
"Where do you live?"
"Oh, the Rose Thorn apartments down the street maybe 5 minutes.
His eyes grow wide and he makes eye contact with me and I start to chuckle.
"I know, it's a crappy part of town, but it's what I can afford."
Another few silent moments pass as we walk to our unknown destination, holding hands.
We pass a coffee shop before Frank slows us down,
"Coffee?" He smiles at me.
"Tea" I nod and lead him into the coffee shop.
As we're looking at the board to order he asks me:
"You prefer tea?"
"Yeah, to me id rather be calmed than more high strung."
He nods his head as if he's trying to remember little facts about me.
"I really embrace the fact that I'm high strung, maybe, maybe a little too much" he shakily laughs.
I order a green tea and Frank ordered some strong coffee, I offered to pay multiple times, but of course he insisted on paying, then we sit and drank our warm drinks, finding out little weird facts about one another, not the basic questions like "where do you work?" Or "where did you go to high school?" But more of what we like, what we don't like, and how we spend our days.
We walked through a park, everywhere we walked he grabbed my hand, it was almost like he felt that he always had to hold my hand because it was a "date" but I couldn't complain, I liked holding his hand, I liked his little quirks, and I liked finding out more about him.
Later in the day we searched for somewhere to eat, and we settled on a Chinese restaurant, which I was reluctant to choose because it wasn't one of those cheesy Chinese restaurants, it was a pretty nice, sit down one.
We laughed and talked as the sun went down, and he even held my hand under the table. And of course he paid, against my will.
We left the restaurant and it was dark outside,
"Wow, we spent the whole day together" he laughs, his hands in his pockets.
"I know, it was so great. This is the best day I've had in awhile" after I said that he smiled at me again.
"Could I walk you home? I don't want to keep you too late, I know you have work tomorrow."
The advice my mother gave me my whole dating life rang through my mind as he waited a response: "Chance, never let any guy walk you home or meet you at your house if you don't know him well, you don't know what psychos are out there!"
But I didn't want to walk to my car alone in the dark, and I didn't want to say goodbye to Frank yet, so my answer came out:
"Sure, that'd be great"
He held his hand out and I took it, walking back to where we came from.
I told him I could leave my car at work and just walk, considering I live five minutes away.
We walked all the way to my apartments, and up to my door.
He finally lets go of my hand, and runs his through his hair, then he starts: "alright Chance, I'll see yo-" before my "hey" cuts him off.
"'s only 9. Why don't you stay for a movie or something? If you have the time."
"I have all the "Halloween" movies, we could watch one or two." I look down and bite my lip at how desperate I sound.
"Would that be okay?" He asks.
"I mean, I.. I would like to, but I don't want to come off bad.." He trails off.
"Is that a no?" I ask.
"No, no. Yes, it's a yes." He grins and I open my door and let him in.
I tell him to make himself at home, he takes off his jacket, and shoes. Leaving him in a black "God save the queen" sex pistols shirt and jeans.
I take out all eight of my "Halloween" DVDs and set them on the couch, and I pour a bag of goldfish crackers in a bowl, pour two cups of coffee, and then sit on the couch next to him.
"Goldfish?" He laughs.
"Hey I like goldfish!!" I laugh.
We watch the first movie and kind of talk and joke throughout it, old horror movies are always terrible, but riveting.
The first one ends and we watch the second one, and then make jokes about having a marathon, so that's we set out to do.
Around movie 4, which just happened to be around 5am, I felt my eye lids grow heavy. I looked at Frank and he still seemed very awake, watching the serial killer movie with his wide-eyed, childish expression.
I felt my world turn black with the sounds of killing, with my head leaning on Frank's shoulder.

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