..Just Call In Sick

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I crack my eyes open to find myself face to face with Frank, in his bed where I passed out last night after hooking up with him, and having a snack in nothing but a baggy shirt of his, leaving him in just sweatpants.
He holds my hand and kisses the top of it as he looks up and grins at me.
"Good morning Chance"
Friday morning.
My eyes widen
"What time is it?!" I start to panic as I roll over to find my phone.
I fall back down in bed as I read the time: 10:15am.
"Shit, I'm not even ready and I'm twenty minutes out.." I rest my hand on my forehead and stare at my phone.
I look behind my phone to find Frank straddling me as I lie on the bed, grinning that cute grin again.
"..just call in sick"
My phone rings just as he finishes his sentence, and it's Ashley.
"Frank it's my boss"
"Answer" he lightly pushes the phone to my face and I press "answer"
I hold the phone to my ear to hear Ashley sounding concerned instead of mad.
"Where have you been, girlie? You're always on time"
Frank slowly yet suddenly drops down and kisses my neck and chest quietly as I'm about to answer.
"I..I'm sorry Ashley"
"I'm not feeling well, I honestly just woke up." I run my right hand through franks hair.
"I knew something was up, you never skip out"
"I-im- im sorry Ashley" I stutter as he moves his lips over my chest.
"If I didn't know I'd say you've got the Friday sickness just so you could get a long weekend" she laughs.
I let out a shallow laugh, trying to sound all together while Frank makes it difficult for me to speak.
"But I know you're a hard worker, so try to feel better and enjoy your weekend. Feel better by Monday"
"Thank you Ashley, I'll try. I'm sorry again"
"It's fine Chance"
The minute I hear her hang up, the phone falls out of my hand, and I grab two handfuls of Frank's hair.
"What are you doing baby" I gasp.
He kisses up to my lips and then stops right before kissing them.
He kisses my lips and then I ask him:
"Mm hmm. Here I'll show you" he moves off of me and helps me up by my hand, and walks me over to the mirror.
He stands behind me as I look at myself.
"See these?" He lightly pulls on the collar of his shirt on my body.
I see purple and slightly red marks all on my neck and chest, how many there are takes me by surprise but at the same time it doesn't, because of how often his lips were on my neck.
"Hickies?" I say.
He laughs.
"No, they're poems. They're on you like ink on a page. They'll fade, like all ink does. But you'll remember them from the pain and pleasure. They're marks directly from my mouth to your skin, and they're the only bruises that appear out of love."
Love? I think to myself.
He slightly pulls up his sweatpants that were hanging low on his waist because they weren't tied, then turns his back to the mirror.
"See? You gave me some too" he tries to reach for the pink scratches on his shoulder blades.
I put my hand over my mouth in shock
"Oh God. I'm sorry Frank, I didn't realize I was that bad."
He grins and turns around again
"Don't be sorry, every time I feel a little sting from them I remember how I got them."
"You're crazy" I smile.
"Maybe" he winks.
"Come on, let's enjoy your day off"

We have eggs and toast, talk and laugh and then head upstairs to the library, where he rummages through a box from one of the book shelves.
He sits on the circular couch next to me.
"Alright, uhh. Did you see that last time?" He points to the coffee table filled with mugs, and a purple bong peeking out from them.
I start to laugh
"Yeah, I did see it. And I'm fine with it, if that's what you're wondering."
"Oh, you're fine with it? Then come on, we're gonna have fun." He stands up and takes me by my hand to the bathroom and shuts the door behind him.
He reaches into the pocket of his sweatpants and pulls out a plastic bag with joints in it.
He opens it and holds it out to me and I take one. Then he takes out two and puts the bag on the counter and takes a lighter out.
We sit on the floor and he lights mine for me, before lighting his.
Between puffs we kiss, talk some more, and as the joints grow shorter, we grow more relaxed.
He grabs the hand towel and pushes it to the bottom of the door to keep the smoke in.
He lights a second one as I'm finishing the last of mine, then he lies his head on my lap.
I lean my head on the wall and look at the ceiling, laughing at almost everything that Frank says, as the room grows hazy.
He sits up and pulls my face to his, blowing smoke into my mouth before mumbling
"You're so hot"
He lazily looks into my droopy eyes, and pulls me to stand up with him.
He pushes me against the wall and puffs smoke into my mouth a few times before he looks me in the eyes yet again.
"Take your fucking clothes off"
"What clothes!" I yell as I pull his shirt off and throw it on the ground, leaving me naked.
He holds the joint in his lips and walks to the shower and turns it on and then slips off his sweatpants.
We both step onto the running shower and he holds his joint away from the water, as the room fills with a combination of steam and smoke.
We hang over each other, holding our bodies and laughing at absolutely nothing.
We kiss underneath the water, he pulls me close as his hair sticks to his face.
After what was probably an hour in the shower but what felt like ten minutes, he turns off the water and we get out, grab towels, and head back to his room, leaning on each other and giggling.
He pushes me onto the bed, the force unwrapping the towel from my body.
He falls over me and passionately kisses me, his messy damp hair falling all over my face.
I laugh as he kisses down my stomach.
"Frank!!" I giggle.
He pushes my legs up and goes down on me, seeing his head move a little as I look down.
He places his hands on my thighs as he goes harder, making me pull his hair.
I moan his name and close my eyes, sometimes forgetting where I am or what's going on until a sudden wave of pleasure from his mouth reminds me.
He moans and moves faster, making me finish with a loud moan, curling my toes, and moving my head left and right.
When he feels me tense and then relax, he moves his face out from between my legs and lies next to me, playing with my hair until all the sensations I just felt put me to sleep.


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