Chapter 1

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My name is Hikaru, I had a twin brother named Kaoru, we were as close as brothers could be. I was always a happy person, until the incident, this is my story.... 

It was a normal Friday morning, Kaoru and I woke up, showered, got dressed, ate breakfast and left for school. 3 o'clock rolled by and Kaoru and I went to prepare for their "brotherly love" act twe would have to put on for the next few hours. We  put on this act every day, knowing that I only love my brother like, well , a brother.

During the host club hours I would spend hours of my time getting lost in my imagination. I never let my  thoughts and imaginations leave my  mind knowing it would change everything. When I get lost in my own mind I would usually trail off for a bit just staring into a cup of instant coffee. This time while I was trailing off, it didn't feel like how it usually did. I felt my heart flutter, multiple emotions running back and forth in my head, until I realized what I was staring at. I had been staring and Haruhi. Thank god she didn't notice, but that didn't mean nobody caught me. As I came too I turned around and saw Kaoru staring at me with this devilish smile on his face. I feel my face get hot with embarrassment. "What the hell are you staring at?" I ask my younger twin. "You like her, don't you" Kaoru said with a wink. "N-no!" I yelled, catching Haruhi's attention. She gave a confused look and came over to the twins. " you two better not be arguing again." She said with a stern look on her face. "We're not arguing, I just found out that Hikaru has a little crush on someone in the class." Kaoru said with a smile. "Kaoru!" I said blushing really hard this time. "I don't really care what gossip you guys are spewing right now but I'm really busy." Haruhi said with an annoyed tone as she walked away.

As the day reached its end I had laid down in bed ready to fall asleep. My eyes started to close when suddenly I felt the entire bed shake. Kaoru had jumped on the bed. "Hika, wake up!" "Dammit Kaoru I was just about to go to sleep!" I said angrily. " are we gonna talk about what happened earlier?" Kaoru asked. " do we really have to? It's 10." "Yes" Kaoru replied. "You may not see it, but when she speaks to you her eyes light up. She may act pretty serious sometimes, but I can see that you are very special to her." "Even if that was true, Tamaki likes her, he'd never forgive me if I did something about these feelings and emotions I'm having." I said with sadness in my voice. "You don't know that. I think that as long as you and Haruhi are happy, he will be happy. Plus, do you really think a relationship between those two would go very well?" Kaoru replied with a laugh. " I guess you're right. Let's go to bed, I'm fucking tired."

  I woke up to the sound of the shower going, I realized that Kaoru had let me sleep in, something he usually wouldn't do, usually the alarm would go off and Kaoru would jump all over me until I woke up. I decided that since Kaoru has occupied the shower I might as well go downstairs and make myself breakfast. Usually Kaoru makes me breakfast because I'm super fucking lazy, I don't know why, I just don't like making myself food, if it wasn't for my brother I would probably starve. When i was done eating my burnt bacon and eggs I heard Kaoru leave the shower. "What the hell is that awful smell? Hikaru did you burn something?" I heard Koaru yell from upstairs. "Fuck off Koa, I was really hungry." "If you would've just waited a couple minutes I could've made breakfast, I just thought I would let you sleep in today, considering I made you stay up past 10 last night." I just nodded as a thank you. Kaoru made his breakfast and we got into the back of the car. "So, you gonna talk to Haruhi today?" Koaru said with a wink. "I don't know, I'm still debating on whether it's a good idea or not to interfere with Tamaki's attempts to impress her, the last thing I wanna do is piss off the boss." I replied with slight sadness in my voice. "Well, the way I see it is, if Haruhi really wanted to be with Tamaki, they would have gotten together a long time ago, plus I think the way Haruhi looks at you speaks for itself." Kaoru always knows how to boost my confidence, honestly, sometimes it feels like we aren't even twins, he's so much calmer than me, and somehow even though I'm older than him, he seems to be really wise beyond his years, I really look up to him. Suddenly I felt the car come to a stop. "Welp, we're here" said the chauffer.

I went to class like usual, but today I had decided to pay extra attention to Haruhi, I needed to see what Kaoru is talking about. Haruhi seems to be pretty into her studying and pays really close attention to what the teachers saying all the time, not once getting distracted, its very admirable to see someone so young, so committed to learning. Somehow today Haruhi looks prettier than usual, which honestly seems impossible considering how amazing she is already. I could get so lost in her eyes. "Just go talk to her already you big goof" Kaoru said loud enough to catch Haruhi's attention. "Koaru, keep it down." I whispered. "What are you guys talking about?" asked Haruhi with a curious look. "N-Nothing, just chem homework." I said with hesitation. "Hikaru and I were just talking about how much we would love and appreciate it if you would sleep over tonight." My entire face heated up and I let out a nervous chuckle. "I dont see why not, I don't have any plans, and its tomorrow is the weekend, I don't think my dad will have a problem with that." Said Haruhi. "Alright then, it's a date!" Kaoru said as Haruhi returned to her desk. "You're so funny Kao" I said with a sarcastic tone. "Oh come on, what's the worst that can happen?"

After school Kaoru and I decided to prepare the guest room for Haruhi. "Are you sure it will be okay for her to stay here? you don't think mom will be mad?" I asked "it'll be fine, I told her we'll be having someone over, so she decided to stay at a hotel tonight." Just then we heard the doorbell ring. Kaoru ran straight to the door without hesitation. "Hey Haruhi!" yelled Kaoru. "Wow, your house is so big compared to mine." Haruhi said in amazement. "I can take your bags for you and one of the boys can show you to your room miss Fujioka" said one of the twin maids. "Alright thank you" "I'll show you to the guest room." said Kaoru. Haruhi followed behind him as he went upstairs to the guest room.

After watching some movies and eating way too much popcorn, we all decided it was time to head to bed. "Hikaru" I heard Haruhi say from behind me, I turned around to face her. "yes?" "I don't really like sleeping alone, can you sleep with me in the guest room tonight?" she said in a nervous tone. I felt myself blushing and I looked at Kaoru for approval, He gave me a smirk and a thumbs up as he walked into our room. "I don't see why not" I said nervously. We both headed to the guest room and Haruhi went to the bathroom to change and I stripped down to my underwear and hopped into bed. When Haruhi got out of the bathroom, I started to feel myself getting anxious. When she got under the covers my heart started to pound in my chest, it was pounding so hard I was scared she might hear it. "Hikaru" She said in a whisper. "I wanted to tell you something." "What is it?" I said with my heart pounding harder and harder. "I think I might be in love with you... does that sound crazy?" "No, n-no, not at all,, actually.. I feel the same way." I saw her face turn bright red, and a smile slowly form from her lips. "C-can I kiss you?" I said Hesitantly. "yes" I put my hand on her cheek and brought my face close to hers, we where so close I could feel her hot breath on my skin. Slowly, I decided to close the gap, and our lips touched. I couldn't believe how soft and plump her lips where, I could feel myself drowning in happiness, I had never felt so happy and in love before, it felt like I was going to explode. The kiss felt like it lasted forever. When our lips parted she bit her lip. "heh, you're so adorable" I said. We both layed back down in bed and she fell asleep on my chest.

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