Chapter 2

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 *sensitive content warning*

 When I woke up, I smiled at the sight of Haruhi sleeping with her head on my chest. I needed to go to the bathroom but I didn't want to wake her, she looked so peaceful. I slowly pushed her off of my chest and layed her head on the pillow, I got up and went to the bathroom. When I got back the bed was empty. I decided to make the bed before going downstairs to see if Kaoru has made breakfast this morning. The sheets smelled just like her, a beautiful Lavender body mist, I felt myself melting into the intoxicating scent.

 As we were eating breakfast I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, she's just so beautiful. I was staring at her so much I barely ate any of my breakfast. It didn't take long for Kaoru to notice. "So, Hika, Haruhi, did you guys sleep well last night?" Kaoru asked with enthusiasm. Both of us looked at each other and blushed. There was an awkward silence as Haruhi and I both tried to figure out what to say. "I slept like a baby" Haruhi finally said "Y-Yeah, me too" I replied. "Anything interesting happen last night?" Kaoru said with a wink. "N-Nothing interesting other than sleeping." I replied with hesitation. Kaoru smiled and winked at me again. 

 Fast forward a couple days and Haruhi and I are dating. We spent a lot of time together including during lunch and after school. Kaoru and I started spending less and less time together and I think he's okay with that, so far it doesn't seem to bother him too much. Sometimes when Haruhi and I are watching a movie Kaoru will join us but other than that he's been pretty distant. One day I noticed Kaoru was a little off, he was very distant, more than usual, and he avoided eye contact as much as possible. I decided that as his twin it was my job to protect him, so I decided to talk to him. "Hey Kao, is everything alright?" I asked. He looked down at his lap "yeah I'm fine.." he said in a hushed tone. "are you sure? you don't seem okay to me." He just looked away and fell silent. "Kao, you know you can talk to me about anything right?" "I know" He replied. "okay, tell me what's bugging you" "I... there's some guys..." He paused. "go on, you can talk to me" "There's these guys at school... that have been bugging me because they found out some information about me that i've been trying to keep a secret and they've been blackmailing me...." "What information Kao?" I asked. "Hikaru, please don't make me say it..." "I need to know in order to help you, I'm not going to judge you, I promise." I said. "I'm.... I'm gay...." he said as tears started streaming down his face. I got up out of my chair and hugged him, letting his cry all over my shoulder. "It's okay Kao" I said "now tell me who these people are." He told me three names, all people I have never met before. "I'll take care of this Kao, I promise. I won't let them hurt you."

 The next day during lunch Haruhi and I started our search for those three assholes who where blackmailing my brother, making him do unspeakable things. We ended up finding them. "Hey assholes!" I yelled. They all turned around. "What the hell do you want?" one of them replied in a threatening tone. "I heard you've been blackmailing my brother. "Yeah, and what are you gonna do about it" one of them asked. "this" I replied as I punched him across the face. The other guys ran towards me and ripped me away from him, I then started receiving blows from left and right, two of them were holding onto my arms restraining me as the third was beating me, I started to feel myself going unconscious but right before I passed out they let go of me. "Nice going jackass, now we're going to tell the whole school about your brothers little secret."  

 The rest of the day I got nonstop stares and questions I didn't know how to answer. I couldn't tell any of the teachers just in case anybody overheard. I knew that I had royally fucked up, and that it was too late for me to fix things. During class, I hadn't seen Kaoru which was really starting to worry me, it was very unusual for Kaoru to skip class like this.

When I got home from school, I noticed that Kaoru's shoes were on the shoe rack. I heard the shower running and something felt very off. I decided to go upstairs and wait in my room for Kaoru to finish his shower. When he got out of the bathroom I noticed something red on his towel. "Kaoru, what the hell is that?" I said sternly. He seemed pretty shocked to see me. "nothing, please just leave me alone.." I got up and walked towards Kaoru, grabbing his wrist. It was covered in really deep cuts. "Kaoru what the fuck is this?!" I yelled. "Kaoru's face turned white. "why would you do this to yourself?" "I don't know.." He replied with a whisper. I pulled him into a hug and whispered in his ear. "please don't do this to yourself.. I love you Kao.."

A few days passed and Kaoru started skipping class more often. I noticed people would leave notes on his desk, most of them calling him a faggot, or telling him to kill himself. Whenever I would see Kaoru at home He was very distant, He would refuse to eat, and every day I noticed him get skinnier and skinnier. At this point a had no idea what to do, I already fucked everything up for Kaoru, I confronted his blackmailers and now everyone in the entire school knew about him. Lots of people were accepting of him, but too many were not. Every day I noticed him grow more and more distant. The scars on his arms grew and the pile of notes left on his desk grew bigger with threats, horrible names and shame.

One day Haruhi and I thought it would be a good idea to bake Kaoru some cupcakes to make him feel better. We wrote positive notes and compliments on each cupcake with icing and wrapped it up super pretty. We told the teachers that we would be taking the rest of the day off after lunch for family matters. When we got to my house I immediately felt panic rush through my entire body, Kaoru's shoes weren't on the shoe rack, his coat and backpack weren't in the closet. I ran around the entire house, checking the closet, the bathroom, basement, kitchen, living room, everywhere. He was nowhere to be found. I immediately called all of my friends and family telling them to look everywhere for him. None of them knew where he was and my worry turned into fear.

Three days went past without a single sign of Kaoru, until one day when we received a call from the police, it was the most devastating news anyone could ever receive. They had found Kaoru, but he was found dead, hanging from a tree, with a single note saying 'tell my family that i'm sorry'

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