Chapter 4

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  I woke up that morning to the smell of bacon. Such a familiar and comforting smell. I hadn't smelled that scent since... Since before the incident... Thoughts of my departed twin rushed into my head, memories I wanted to bury. I felt tears start to fall from my eyes, streaming all the way down to my chin, just then the door opened and I saw a familiar face, "Wakey, wakey, eggs and... are you crying?" said Haruhi as she made her way into our room. "Yeah I'm fine, the smell of bacon just brings back some memories, that's all" I said as I wiped the tears from my face. Haruhi sat on the bed right next to me and kissed me on my cheek. " Things are going to change now, okay?" "okay.." I said with a smile. "now lets go eat some breakfast." said Haruhi.

Later that day, Haruhi left to talk to the principle at the school near our building, while she was gone I had decided to look for some jobs. Finding jobs in a foreign country has proven extremely difficult considering every job requires someone who is fluent in English. I kept browsing this local job website, the only one with a Japanese language setting, until I found a Japanese restaurant looking for a janitor. I decided that I might as well apply, the worst thing that could happen is me not getting the job.

It was 11 pm when Haruhi got home, I decided that I would stay up and wait for her. When Haruhi came through the door she was holding a brown paper bag with some English words on the side that I couldn't understand. I ran over to her and gave her a hug. "what's in the bag?" I asked. "When I was at the school, I met some local girls that wanted to show me around the city, they taught me a lot about Canada and I taught them a lot about Japan, they told me I should try something called a Poutine, apparently Canada is one of the only places in the world that serves them regularly, so I picked some up from the local McDonalds!" She said with enthusiasm. "It sure smells amazing!" I said. She put the bag down and took out a box. "so a poutine is fries, with cheese curds and gravy, weird right?" "yeah that's pretty weird." I said. I have heard of fries and gravy, but never with cheese chunks. She grabbed some plates and split the poutine evenly between us. I got up and grabbed my chopsticks. "By the way, I was told that in Canada, they don't really use chopsticks, apparently most Canadians don't even know how to use them." She said with a smile as she handed me a fork. "can't we still use chopsticks?" I asked. "we can, it's just that the only fast food places that give out disposable chopsticks are sushi bars, and Asian cuisine, every other place in Canada gives out disposable spoons, forks and knives." Ever since Haruhi and I got together I have noticed that she likes to point out little facts about things I would have never thought about if she never brought it up, like how only 5% of the ocean has been explored, or an apple, potato, and onion all taste the same with your nose plugged. Every little fact she tells me seems to be even more interesting than the last.

Before I went to bed I had decided I was going to take a shower first. I grabbed my towel and my toothbrush and entered the bathroom. When I looked up I realized a naked body right in front of me. I felt my entire face turn bright red as I stared at Haruhi's beautiful naked body. She didn't notice me at first, but when she did, I could see panic consume her, "G-Get out!" she yelled as she quickly covered herself with a towel. I ran out of the bathroom as fast as I could. I laid down in my bed realizing what I had just seen. I looked down and noticed that this whole incident had triggered an erection. I imagined her naked body in my head and the more impure my thoughts were, the harder my erection grew, I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head, fearing that I was violating her by thinking such rude thoughts. A couple minutes passed and she finally came out of the bathroom in her pajamas. "Haruhi, i'm so sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to barge in like that." I said. "It's okay Hika, I'm sorry I kicked you out like that, I was just taught that a lady should keep herself pure until marriage. I'm sorry if that disappoints you." I smiled. "No, it doesn't disappoint me at all, I was taught the same thing." She smiled and jumped into bed with me, and I wrapped my arms around her. "Although, I can't help stop myself from liking what I saw.." I said nervously. I felt her tense up. "I know I said I want to save myself for marriage, b-but that doesn't mean I can't do other things.." She whispered. My face suddenly got really hot as she placed her hand on my inner thigh, she slowly moved her hand up my thigh and placed her hand on my erection. I couldn't believe this was happening, I had never been touched by someone else before, I was so nervous I almost felt like I was going to throw up, she started stroking me through my pants, then she put her hand under my pants and started stroking me through my underwear. She kept doing this for a while, and at first I thought she was just teasing me, but then I noticed that she was shaking, she was just as nervous as I was. I grabbed her hand and guided it underneath my underwear, she slowly slipped her hand down my underwear, her hand getting closer and closer to my erection. When her hand finally reached it, a chill went up my spine, her hands were so soft, so much softer that I ever thought. She pulled down my pants and positioned her mouth near the tip, "Is this okay?" she asked. "Hell yeah" I said. She slipped my erection into her mouth, sucking the tip at first. It felt so good that I let out a soft moan.             "f-fuck~" She then continued to put the rest of my erection in her mouth, stroking what she couldn't fit with her hand, I have thought about what this would feel like multiple times, but I never thought it would feel this good. Her mouth was so warm and wet, I started feeling myself get closer and closer, "Haruhi, I-I'm getting close" She started to go faster and started to hum, creating a vibration that sent my to the edge. I came after 5 minutes, it felt so amazing. Haruhi looked at me and spit everything out into the blanket. "I'm sorry" I said, she smiled and kissed me on the lips, "ew, don't do that" I said as she laughed. Then we both fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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