Chapter 9 (cross walks)

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Joe takes my bags and puts them in the trunk while Pete gets in the drivers seat, Patrick beside him. Andy slides in leaving a seat open for me. "Need a hand?" he asks outstretching his hand. I take ahold of it and Andy pulls me in to the seat beside him. Joe climbs in on the other side of Andy closing the door behind him.

"So Allison, tell us about yourself." Patrick says turning in his chair to face me. "Ummm ok. Well my favourite colour is black, Music is my life and obviously you guys are my favourite band and music. Uh I came here a little over a week ago and ive uh..."

I just start dying laughing when I remember shoving mashed potatos in Briannas face, or today with the syrup and feathers. The guys give me strange looks then all of a sudden Patrick starts laughing too.

Now Andy is laughing while Joe and Pete try not to laugh but soon Pete cracks up followed by Joe. "Why are, we even laughing?" Joe asked in between laughs. "I started laughing because Allison was laughing" Patrick said after we all stopped laughing.

"Speaking of, why were you laughing?" Pete asked.

"Ok so there is this girl who doesn't like me and she was starting stuff at dinner so I took my mashed potatos and shoved them in her face. Then she tried to get back at me but it didn't work so I got back at her anyway" I explained.

"Well what'd you do?" Pete asked with a chuckle. "Oh you know, just dumped syrup on her and feathers" I said laughing again.

"I knew there was a reason we picked you" Joe said and I laughed.

"Ok were almost here guys" Patrick said. "I think youll like it" Andy said to me drapping his arm over my shoulders. "Ya? What if I don't" I challenged. "Then... then something!" Andy huffed and I laughed. He stuck his tongue out at me then turned to Joe. "Joe, shes being mean to me" he whined. "Aww come here its ok." Joe said and Andy gave him a hug. I just shook my head and laughed at him.

About 10 minutes later we pulled up to a massive house, well a mansion actually. My jaw instantly dropped and Joe pushed my chin back up closing my mouth. When he took his hand away my mouth fell open again causing Joe to chuckle.

When I finally closed my mouth and got out of the car Patrick was grabbing my bags. "Oh ill get that" I tell him reaching for my suitcase. "No no no you go, I got it." He waved me off refusing to give me my bags. I sigh and follow Pete inside.

"Wow" I gasp. This place was beautiful. "So I was right then? you like it" Andy asked coming to stand beside me. I let out a little laugh "yea you were right."

"Want us to show you to your room?" Patrick asks and I nod eagerly. He chuckles and leads me up a set of stairs then down a hall with a single door at the very end. "This is it" Patrick says and opens the door.

"Its really plain right now, we wanted to wait so you could pick out your own stuff. We will take you to get some paint and stuff." "Thank you" I say. I set down my two bags and look around the room. "Ive always wanted a music themed room" I say aloud. "Ok we'll do it" Patrick states. "Really?" I ask and Patrick nods. I run over to him and give him a big hug. " Thankyou thankyou thankyou!!" I say and he laughs. "Your welcome."

After we eat lunch (Pete ordered a pizza) we drive over to the store to buy paint. I told the guys I want black and red striped walls with white music notes. So we buy a few cans of paint head to another store. We shop all day for stuff to put in my room until we have no more room in the trunk. We drive home and right away I give them all hugs before saying a thank you.


Another update! :D (house up top btw)

ok so i notice alot of you are reading and commenting, but not voting :( So you should totally drop a vote ;)

Ok so I will probably update again today so add this book to your library so you can read it when i get it up :)

Question: What is the funniest memory you have that made you laugh?

Me: So onetime me and my friends went off school property during lunch and as we were coming back we heard the bell ring to we started running when my friend somehow stepped on my foot and she did a super man/ flaceplant onto the ground and I turn around and see her laying on her stomach looking up at me and me and my other friend just started dying laughing so we picked her up and tried to keep running but we couldn't stop laughing then we both fell on the ground holding are stomachs cuz we were laughing so hard it hurt! But it was hillarious xD


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