Chapter 13 (So we can take the world back)

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Allison's POV

I woke up and looked at the clock on the wall to see that its 6:30. I remember falling asleep in Joe's arms, but he must have put me in my bed before going to bed himself. I stretch my arms high over my head and roll out of bed. I usually don't wake up till 10 or later but now that im up I might as well start my day.

I head to my bathroom and brush my teeth. As im brushing my teeth with one hand I use the other to brush knots out of my hair. Once thats done I grab a black tank, black sweats and my black airwalks.

Just one of those days when you only wana wear black. I think to myself as I apply black eyeliner and mascara to my eyes. I think about adding some black eyeshadow but then again I don't wana look like a racoon.

I head downstairs and decide to go for a walk. I run back upstairs and grab my phone and headphones before returning to the kitchen. I grab a peach from the fridge and quickly scibble a note telling the guys that I was going for a walk and Id be back soon.

I take a bite of my peach and walk out the door welcoming the fresh morning air.

I plug in my headphones and hum along to 'tonight your perfect' by new politics. I continue my walk until I reach a nice little park with a pretty fountain. I sit down along the outside and take off my shoes and socks. I let my legs fall over the edge and my toes graze the surface of the water. I hear multiple quacks and look up to see a momma duck and her babies swimming towards me. I smile at the family and break off a piece of my peach and toss it to them. The babies gobble it up and I let out a little laugh.

All of a sudden I see a boy take a seat beside me. I turn and look at him and he flashes me a smile. I smile back then turn back to face the ducks.

"Hey. Im Seth" he says and holds out his hand.

"Allison" I say and shake his hand. "You come here often?" The boy- Seth asks and I shake my head.

"This is the first time ive been here" I tell him honestly. He smiles then gets to his feet.

"How about I show you around?" He asks and holds out his hand.

I smile and nod before taking his hand as he helps me to my feet. I can't help but stare at him and notice how attractive he actually is.

He has black hair that is covered with a grey beanie except for the front which stick out over his bright blue eyes. I take in his  black V-neck quarter sleeve and black jeans.

I guess im not the only one who thought it was one of those 'wear all black' days.







I follow Seth as he shows me around the park and points out different things.

"Can I take you to a place thats really special? Not alot of people know about it, and  It's really pretty there" He asks nervously.

"As long as you don't plan on taking me there and murdering me" I say as stenly as I can, but I feel the corners of my mouth twitching into a smile. He fake gasps putting his hand on his chest for affect. "How did you know? Ugh I mean- Pffft, No! I would never do that Pfft- What are you talking about?" I burst out laughing and soon he laughs along with me.

"You are quite the actor" I giggle.

"Well what can I say, im just that good" He replies cockily.

I just laugh before reminding him of that place he wanted to show me. We walk through a small forest on the outside of the park before we reach a small river.

"Wow" I breathe. He was right, this place is beautiful. "I come here every so often. It's a nice place to just get away and to think." He says staring into the water. "Well I think you might have to share because I plan on coming here more often." I say and stick out my tongue, causing him to chuckle.

"I suppose I can share with you" He says rolling his eyes. I grin and shake my head at him. "Well I think I should get going" I state. "Wait. Um everytime I come here I go for a swim before I leave..." He says trailing off. Is he asking me to swim with him?

"Are you asking me to swim with you?" I ask him confused.

"Er, uh ya. But it's ok if you don't wana, I totally understand." He rushes out the last part and I chuckle. "Id love to, it sounds fun" I say and he smiles at me. "Sweet" he says in a cool tone and I just roll my eyes. Then a thought comes to mind. "If I swim all my clothes will be soaked and I dont wana walk home soaking wet..." I trail off.

"Thats why I just usually swim in my boxers" Seth states. I watch as he unzips his zipper and slides off his pants and kicks off his shoes. He pulls his shirt over his head and I can't help but stare at his 6 pack... hawt damn!

I see him smirking at me and I feel the heat crawl up my neck to my cheeks. He just saw me checking him out. Omg what is wrong with me, I hardly even know the guy. "Er ok if I jump in will you tell me a bit about yourself?" I ask. I hardly know him but I know I can trust him, I have a gut feeling. If I had gotten a bad vibe from him I would have left immediately.

"Of course." He says with a grin. He turns and runs jumping into the water. I laugh and kick my shoes and socks off.

"Hurry up Allison, the waters great!" He calls to me.

"Ok calm your horses" I laugh.

"Isn't that supposed to be hold your horses?" he asks with a laugh. I don't answer but just stand on the river bank. I slide my sweats off my legs and pull my tank top over my head leaving me in my bra and underwear.

I think Seth notices that I feel uncomfortable because he tells me I can wear his shirt over top. "Thanks" I say pulling the shirt over my head. "No problem" he says and offers me a friendly smile.

I turn and run and jump off the same rock Seth did and splash into the water. Once I reach the surface I feel a pair of arms grab my waist. "Ah!" I scream and turn to face a laughing Seth.

"You idiot, you scared me!" I yell laughing.

I dunk him under and quickly swim away. I turn and see him swimming towards me so I swim faster and quickly run up the bank.

After a half hour of swimming and learning about each other we decide to go our seperate ways.

"Hey, whats your cell number?" Seth asks and I type it into his phone.

"There" I say, and hand him back his phone.

"Cool thanks" He says.

"No problem" I say and give him a hug goodbye.


Well i felt that was getting really long so I just ended it there.

So whats your opinions on Seth?

And thanks for all your guys comments, your all so nice and it means so much to me :)

Keep reading


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