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2 years earlier....

"Tessaaaaaaa!!" My younger sister Lily starts to tug on my sweatshirt. She wants me to join her for her stupid "tea party". "Go away I don't like tea." She sticks her lower lip out and pouts. I ignore her and continue to scroll through Instagram.

Hi, I'm Tessa. I'm 17 years old and I'm about 5'7. I have long wavy brown hair and bright blue eyes. I have a little sister named Lily.

My phone starts to ring and I slide my thumb over a button to answer it. "Hello?" I speak into the phone. "Hey, baby." The boy on the other line responds. Cameron, my boyfriend called me. "Heyyyyyyy" I say holding the Y. "What are you up to babe?" I ask. "Thinking about you of course!"
My heart just melted, he was absolutely perfect. Perfect looks,perfect personality just all around perfect. "What are YOU up too?" He asked emphasizing the you.
"Not much really just fan-girling over One Direction!!" I squealed. "Ugh I hate them!" Cameron protested. That's the only thing about him that's not perfect, he hates any thing to do with other boys, ESPECIALLY famous ones. But I guess that's just him being protective over me which I found cute."You don't have to be so mean Cameron, your just jealous that I love them more than you!" I shout with a sarcastic tone in my voice. "HA.HA. You know I'm your one and only." He states. I giggle at his protective-ness.
I look over at my clock it's 11:53pm.
"Alright babe I'm gonna go it's getting late, we have school tomorrow, and we dont want to be late for the last day before Christmas break!" I say.
"Same here, babe, I love you!" I smile at his words " I love you too Cameron" With that i hang up.
~next day~
I wake up to One Directions Stockholm Syndrome playing through my phone. I smile and lip-sing when Nialls part beings.

I know they'll be coming to find me soon.

But my Stockholm Syndrome is in
your room.

Ya I fell for you!

I love Niall he is my favorite!
His Irish accent so thick and pure, his hair, his toned body, his funny personality, his laugh, his perfect face and oh, his jaw line! He's just If only I could just-no no Tess you have a boyfriend-but, NO!
Finally I get up out of bed. I slowly walk over to my closet and browse the clothes. I finally decide on a pair of white bleached skinny jeans and an old volleyball championship hoodie. I quickly straighten my hair and grab some shoes from my closet.

I throw on a pair of black and green DC Hightops and walk downstairs for breakfast. I pop a blue berry Kelloggs waffle into the toaster and pack my bag while I wait for the toaster to pop. I gather up all of my books and look around for my gym clothes. I then realize that they are in the dryer downstairs. Ugh it's so much effort to walk downstairs grab my clothes but them in a bag and walk back up stairs again you know?? I slowly trudge down to get my clothes and walk back up to get my waffle. It is already popped up and waiting for me to devour. I look down at my phone and read the time 7:45am. Shit!! I'm going to be late!!!! I grab my waffle and my bag and run out the door.

Lies Hurt // n.hOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora