The feeling to forget

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Finally I made to school 5 minutes before the bell. I feel like I forgot something.....i shake the thought to the back of my head but i have a pain in my stomach...oh well I'll get over it.I look around for Cameron and our group of friends. I spot them sitting in a circle under a tree next to the front doors of the school. "Hey" I say while interrupting their conversation without a care in the world. "Hey" Every one says but I noticed that Cameron didn't even look at me. Oh well he is probably thinking of how he wants to fuck me later, because today Teusday is when we meet up. I carefully sit down next to Cameron and he flashes a quick but faint smile. I smile back. As soon as my arse hits the ground the bell rings, I groan. Every one just laughs, thanks guys. Cameron helps me up and takes my hand in his. But he see's the school slut Vannessa walk by and he charges right for her. I know Cam is cheating on me with her. But I dont care, I don't love Cam, and Vannessa probably has a STD infection from all the guys she' s fucked. I walk down the hallway and into our first period class, Science.
I walk into the class with Cameron and we sit beside eachother at the back of the classroom with Cam in the middle and Vannessa on the other side of him. Soon the teacher Mr.Foutree walks into the classroom. He goes behind his desk takes out a bin and walks around to the other students asking for their phones. Ugh the phone bin. He makes is way over to Cameron and I we both put our phones in the bin.
~ after science class ~
That was the most boring class EVER. Next I have gym Yay! But Cameron or any of our friends are in different classes.MEHHHH!
*~Gym class~*
I was early to class with 2 minutes until the class officialy starts. So I decided to get ready and stretch. I skip happily into the girls change room and I pull my purple and bright blue gym bag off my back. I dump my bag out on the benches and I strip down quickly and pull on my older galaxy spandex, my white Nike dry fit shirt, and put my black Nike free runs 5.0 on my feet and take my ponytail off my hair brush and swiftly tie my hair into a ponytail in the middle of my head. I pack my stuff back into my bag and put on some deodorant before I exit the change room.

I sit down as the rest of the class piles into the gym. I look around for our gym teacher Mrs. Lemay. I see her in the storage room struggling with the volleyball net posts. Then it clicked in, we are playing volleyball!! I jump from my spot on the ground and jog over to her. "Hey Mrs.Lemay, would you like some help with that?" I ask her. She turns her head to see who spoke. "oh hi Tessa, yes could you give me a hand with these?" Mrs. Lemay says. "Oh of course, anything to help you!" I say in a peppy voice. I help her lift the 2 poles out of the brackets that they are in and roll them over to the hole in the ground, where we prop the poles up. I jog back over to the storage room and grab the net to hook onto the poles and crank the pully to tighten the net and adjusting the hight to Senior hight.

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