Meeting Mr. Harris

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The class piles in and we wait on the ground for Mrs. Lemay to give us further instructions. I sit down after helping Mrs. Lemay with the poles. Our gym teacher tells us to find a partener and warm up for a game a volleyball. I pair up with a girl named Julia. She's nice and funny I would love to get to know her better. We start with hitting, as I was about to hit the ball, the school bully Brandon decides to make a comment " wow Tessa you suck dick at volleyball and your ugly, worthless and the biggest slut I've ever seen." I sigh at his hurt full words, I believe the ugly and worthless. But I was a 2014 world championship volleyball player and I've never slept or had sex with anyone. "Hey Brandon, can you stand over here Please?" I pled while pointing to the other side of the net. "sure......?" He says with a question as he slides under the net. I smirk and signal Julia to toss me the ball high up into the air. As the ball hits the highest point in the air I jump up, and with all my force I spike the ball and I hit Brandon right in the nose. My force causes him to fall back onto the ground, with a bloody nose from my hit. " aim on POINT" I say while giving myself a mental high-five. "you little bitch!!!" Brandon curses. That's when the principal walks in with him.

*10 minuntes earlier on the Principles POV*
We were having 4 new students at our school for the 6 months that are left. All I know about our new students are that there are 4 of them, they are male, they are majoring in music and that they apart of a world wide known band called 'One Direction'
I await for the boys to come and I will send each on of them to the classes. Finally the boys arrive. " agh hello boys, my name is principal Harris." "Ello Mr. Harris!" A peppy taller boy says with a British accent " I'm Louis, by the way" The same boy says.
"And this is Harry, Liam, and Niall! " The boy I learned named Louis says pointing to his 3 band mates. "Well its nice to meet you all, you all seem like nice lads I'm sure you'll like it here!" I say. "I'm sure we will" the blonde one says to me with a beaming smile, if I can recall his name is Niall. "Well Niall." I start "I will take you to your class first since your first class is gym and the gym is just around the corner. As for the rest of you stay here until I return."
"okay" they all say. I start walking forward towards the door with Niall just behind me as I lead him to the gymnasium. As we walk through long hallway. We get to the double doors. "Alright Niall, I will assign you a student to help you out around here for awhile." I inform him. "sounds good!" Niall says. We walk through the double doors, and I see a girl Tessa smash a ball into Brandons face. I remember Brandon, he is in my office alot, Tessa is just so sexy and good looking like mmmm. ANYWAY.. "Tessa!!" I scream.

* Tessa's POV *
"Tessa!" I looked over to see the principal standing beside Niall Horan "Y-yes Mr. Harris?" I ask. "What is going on here!?!" His voice booms through the gymnasium. Tears start to swell up in my eyes thinking of Brandons words. " W-well Brandon c-called my ugly, worthless, that I suck dick at volleyball and that I'm a-a slut" I choke out.

(sorry for the switching between POV 's it's for the effect)

* Niall's POV *
I see this beautiful girl hit a boy in the face with a ball, the principal yells at her, I believe her name is Tessa. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Mr. Harris askes Tessa what's wrong. " W-well Brandon c-called my ugly, worthless, that I suck dick at volleyball and that I'm a-a slut" Tessa says. Those words make me want to punch out that Brandon kid. Tessa collapses to the ground in tears. With no control over my actions, I run over to her and kneel down beside her and snake my arm around her waist. "H-hi I'm Niall" I tell her. "I'm Tessa" She tells me as she looks into my eyes with her beautiful sky blue orbs staring into mine. "I think your beautiful" I tell her " Really?" "Yes"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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