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Mitch's POV

I am sick. I mean sick. Scott is out of town with Alex and Kirstie is gone with Jeremy to visit his parents. Avi is with his sister doing something, I don't know. That just leaves Kevin. Hot ass Kevin. I don't know who else to call. Not that I want to call anybody else. I'm just fine with calling Kev. A) He's hot. B) He cares so much for people. C) Pre-med student at Yale. Yep, I'm calling Kevin. I roll over and grab my phone off my nightstand. I go through my contacts until I get to ♥ Kurvy ♥. I click on his contact and hit call. It rang twice before he answered.
"Mitchie-boo! What's up?" Kevin asks excitedly.
"I don't feel good." I say, my voice cracking, barely above a whisper.
"Aww, poor baby. Ain't nobody home to take care of you, huh? I'm on my way." He said, hanging up quickly.
"Okay." I say to myself.

Kevin's POV

I was pouring my heart and soul into my cello. It's strings, letting out every emotion I am too afraid to show. This song was special. Only my ears have heard it. I am usually open to play anything really, at least for the band but, this song was for somebody special. Somebody who happens to be in the band. I have had feelings for him for a while now but, I'm straight. Or at least straight to everybody but him. It scares me honestly. He is the only guy I've ever considered liking that way. He'll never be mine though. He can have anybody he wants, just by being him. Me on the other hand, can't. First off, I don't know how to label myself anymore. Hetero-flexible? Bisexual with a female preference? I don't know. Wh-

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of Mitch's voice singing Stay With Me by Sam Smith. I looked at my phone. It said incoming call from ♥ ♕ Mitchie-Boo Grassi ♕ ♥. I felt my heart flutter. I put down my bow and hit accept.
"Mitchie-Boo! What's up?" I asked. I never really get calls from him, I can't help but be a little excited.
"I don't feel good." He said, his voice cracking. He sounded terrible. Where's Scott? Oh yeah! Gone with Alex. Man, he's all alone. Everybody's gone but me. Nobody should be alone when they're sick.
"Awe, poor baby. Ain't nobody home to take care of you, huh? I'm on my way." I said hanging up the phone. I put Beyonce back in her case. I grab my keys and my wallet and go to my closet. I pull out my backpack and throw a shirt, some sweats and some underwear in, just in case I spend the night. I run out to my car after locking the door. On the way to his house, I stopped by CVS and got some cold and flu stuff and a little stuffed dolphin. I love dolphins. I checked out and drove another five minutes to Mitch's house. When I got there, the door was unlocked. I walked in with my backpack and the white CVS bags and headed to Mitch's room. I gently knocked on the door, he didn't answer. I cracked the door open a bit and saw him asleep under the covers on his bed. I walked over to him and set my stuff down on the floor.
"Mitchie-Boo? Wake up." I said, gently rubbing his shoulder. I pulled the hood of his onesie off and brushed his bangs out of his eyes. "Mitchie?" I asked again.
"Huh? Kurvy?" He asked with his eyes still closed.
"Yeah it's me. H-" I was cut off by some loud music blasting through the house. Mitch groaned, covering his ears like a kid.
"Why don't we go to my house, where it's quiet and calm? There's no way you're gonna get better stressing over them okay?" I asked hopefully. He just nodded his head. I went to his closet and got him three shirts and put them in my backpack. I went over to his dresser and got him two pair of underwear, a pair of sweats and a pair of his looser fitting jeans. I put them in my bag and zipped it up. I tied the plastic sack to the handle of my backpack and put it on. I pulled the covers off of Mitch and picked him up. He was so light that he wrapped his arms around my neck, allowing me to use my hand that was supporting his back. I grabbed his phone and slipped it into my pocket. I walked him out to my car and sat him in the front seat. He immeadiatly reclined the chair back curling up on his side. I shut the door and went back inside. I walked into his bathroom and grabbed his bag, putting his phone charger, toothbrush, comb, colounge, deoderant, face wash, shampoo and lotion into it. I turned off the light and went back to the car, putting his bag into the backseat with my stuff. He was already asleep. I got in and buckled him in. I buckled myself in and turned on the radio. Break Free by Ariana Grande came on. I pulled out of the drive and drove back to my place. I'm glad I washed the dishes after breakfast this morning. The whole way there, I couldn't help but glance his way, making sure he was still okay. When we got there, I got out and unlocked the door leaving it open. I went back and got Mitch, who was still sleeping, and put him in my bed. I went back to get the bags out of the backseat. I locked my car and went inside, locking the door behind me, out of habbit. I went back into my room and set the three bags down. I got out his clothes along with mine and hung them up in my closet. I plugged his charger into the wall next to him and took his phone out of my pocket and plugged it in. I set out all his bathroom supplies on the counter and put mine into the cabinet. I went to the guest room and pulled out an extra pillow and blanket, making the bed for myself. I grabbed another blanket and took it into "Mitch's" room, laying it over him. I got the medicine and dolphin out of the plastic bag and put them on the nightstand. I went and got him a bottle of water and came back, sitting down next to him.
"Mitchie? Wake up. Mitchell?" I asked, trying to get him to wake up long enough for him to take the medicine. He rolled over to face me, "Hummh?"
"I got you some medicine." I said, opening the box and pulling the pills out. I handed them to him once he sat up. I opened the water and handed it to him. He took the pills and said, "Thank you."
"I got you this too." I said, handing him the dolphin. His face lit up at the gesture.
"Why? I mean, I love it but, why?" He asked, confused.
"I don't know. I thought it was cute, like you." I said, blushing slightly.
"Thank you." He said as he layed back down.
"No problem. Goodnight Mitchie-Boo." I said, standing up and leaving, turning the light off on my way out. Five minutes later, I got a text from Mitch saying he was lonely. Now I have an excuse to cuddle up next to him! I am so happy right now!...

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