Chapter 1 - Restart

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[Laura's POV]

Next thing I knew, the doctor came in with a board and a marker. He explained to me that he would be asking me some questions just to test if I have remembered anything.

"Alright Laura, Do you still know when you were born?" He started asking.

"Yes" I wrote down and showed it to him.

"Ok! Good! Now, did you have a good childhood?" He asked.

Hmm, my childhood still consists the memories of my parents so... "Yes".

"Do you have a family?"

"No. They're dead" I wrote down. He paused to look at the family behind him. He turned back to me.

"Are you in a relationship? Love interest? Anybody in your radar?" He asked, slightly motioning to the beautiful blonde girl. Why would he ask that? I refused to make any contact to anyone, so why have anyone in my radar?


The blonde girl started tearing up. She turned to hug a brunette guy, looked like he's in mid 20's. Hmm, now that I think of it, I may have some sort of connection with a girl named 'Ica', that's all I could remember. I wrote it down. The dad-looking guy poked the blondie and pointed at the whiteboard. 

"Huh?" she asked, "But how?".

"I guess, I just don't want to see you cry. So if there's anything wrong with what I wrote earlier, I'm sorry. But all I remembered was the name 'Ica'" I chuckled "So I had to wrote it down, maybe it would make you feel better". She wiped her tears and smiled at me. The doctor took the board and left the room. I lied back on the bed, trying to recover from all that thinking.


I got in a big house. "Woah" I muttered.

"Um Laura" the woman said, gesturing at the couch for me to sit on.

"So, we have to explain some of the things that you might not catch up by now" the woman stated. The blonde girl ran upstairs. There's this strange feeling that I wanted her to stay a little longer. "You had a terrible car accident which made you forget some things. But we're so glad you remembered little ideas about you and your life".

"This is your house now, Laura" she continued. "But we didn't adopt you or anything because... of some reasons. I'm Tina Roland, you can call me Tina. That's Troye, my husband" she pointed out to that dad-looking guy I said earlier.

"I'm Joshua, the big brother here" the brunette dude came in the room with us. "And of course, I think you should know the person who you have been laying your eyes on for the past hour..." he paused. Is he referring to that blonde girl? Yeah, I think I wanted to get to know her.

"I'm Jessica"

The name sounded familiar, but my head still hurts from that thinking so I don't want to go down that road for now. I smiled and nodded to everyone. 

As much as I want more clarification, which I do, I just want to get rest now. "Your room's upstairs" Tina said. I nodded. Then I saw Jessica standing on a step, waiting for me. She beckoned me to go upstairs with her. I followed her.


I entered a large room with light blue pastel painted walls, and a white bed. Jessica's room looks so simple yet so wonderful. Wait, this is Jessica's room? I looked at her confused. 

"Hmm, I guess all you need to know about me is... I'm your roommate. You could sleep at the foam on the floor" she said. She was about to remove her top to change.

"WHAT!" I yelled. She looked back at me. I felt myself blush a little. I saw her muttered an 'oh right'. She quickly went to the bathroom and closed the door. Well, that was weird. Is she sure she's just my roommate? I shrugged at that. I peeked at the bed and saw some clothes with a sticky note paper written 'Laura' on it. Hmm, guess this is my PJ's. I changed my outfit into these.

Jessica went out with a baseball tee and short shorts. I was huddled up on my foam. "I'm going to turn off the lights now, OK?" she said. I nodded. 

She turned of the lights, leaving a lava lamp open. It feels weird. Like something's missing. But what? Ugh, can't argue having amnesia. I guess I shouldn't deal with it for now and just rest.


[Jessica's POV]

So that happened. All I felt was hurt. That's all. I was also upset too, but mostly hurt. To think that she doesn't remember me. It's sad, you know? But, I just have to let it pass for a while. I dug in the scrambled eggs that mom made me.

"Aren't you going to tell her?" mom asked.

"Mom... I don't want her to remember just because I reminded her. I want her to remember it naturally, like she figured it out on her own... I'm sure she can do it" I replied. She just simply nodded. Laura came down with a bit messy hair. She looks hot. Then I remembered that I can't tell her that 'cause she can't freaking remember! I hate myself. I looked at her with a blank expression. Wow, I'm like Laura 2.0.

"Morning" Laura stated. I smiled at her. She sat across me. Ugh. She so close but so far away from me now. Thanks a lot, car accident. She ate as well. When she was done, she stood up and told us "If there's anything that I should remember, please tell me?". Me and mom just nodded back. "Thanks" she said, running back upstairs.


Right now, all I could hear is her singing voice. Her voice is still lovely as always. But one thing that stung my heart... is the song. That song is the same song that she would always sing to me. I wonder how she came up with that? More overly, how did she even knew that song exactly the same that she sings just for me? Whatever. I'm not in the mood for solving mysteries right now. All I wanna think about right now is Laura herself.

She got out from the bathroom. "Finally!" I jumped, held my towel and rushed in the bathroom as well. She took so long, I swear. Later, she knocked on the door.

"Jessica?" she said.

"Yeah?" I said back, a little louder.

"Can I come in there?"

"NO! WHAT THE HECK!?" I yelled.

"Why? Because I'm a perverted alien-" she paused. I heard her saying "What? Where did I get that from?".

A smile grew onto my face. "How'd you know?" I chuckled. Just by thinking about that insult to her makes me miss us a lot.

"Because... I'm intelligent"

Yeah you are, you terrible ice queen.

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