Chapter 12 - It's About Time

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"Jessica!" Laura startled the blonde girl. "I think I'm starting to remember!"

"Really?" Jessica's eyes filled with anticipation.

"By any chance, have I always bothered you in high school and you were always mean to me?" Laura asked.

She smiled at her.


[Laura's POV]

10 hours earlier...

I dialed Lucas' number. I know, right? Never in my life have I intended to call him for this reason. Thankfully, this is urgent. Jessica has to be the biggest part of my life. She has to be.

"Hello?" Lucas' voice was heard at the other line.

"Lucas! It's me. Laura."

"Oh hey Laur. Any reason why you decided to call me?"

"Can you accompany me to our school?" I asked hoping he would agree.

"School? You mean Carolina High? Why would you want to go there?"

"I'll explain later!" I groaned. "Please?"

"Okay. I'll wait for you outside your house, we can walk together." He then hung up. Rude. He didn't even wait for me to thank him but whatever.

As soon as I thought, he was already here. Good thing I got ready in time. It's becoming my habit to already be ready 20 minutes earlier than the said scheduled time. I glanced at Jessica who was still sleeping. She always wakes up late, I chuckled.

Lucas sent a wave at me as I stepped out of the house. And we began walking.


"So, why are we here?" Lucas asked. We've finally reached our destination. I'm already feeling nostalgia.

"Is it still not obvious?" I said annoyingly. "I'm here to remember."

"I see. Well, then let's make you remember," he grinned.

We entered school grounds. It's Saturday today so there weren't lots of people here since it is the weekend for the students. Some memories here I can still remember. I just don't get why the memories of me and Jessica have not returned yet. It sucks.

Lucas just tailed me wherever I go. We went to the cafeteria which a memory flashed back at me. I gently tapped on the table which had been the table me, Jessica, Cassie, and Abi always sat on. We walked through the hallway and I saw the exact same spot that was on my dream the other night. Somewhere near my locker, that's where I saw Jessica for the first time. I know that's what happened, I could not be wrong.

I went inside the classroom. Lucas excused himself to grab a drink from the vending machine. I looked around and suddenly, I remember the seat where I was seated. My hands went to the chair beside mine.

"I'm guessing this was Jessica's," I chuckled.

My brain's working surprisingly well today. It's been cooperating with me since my foot stepped on the school floor. I'm trying to remember what else could have happened in here. Then a memory flashed through my head.

"I take it back."

Holy cow. I am pretty damn smart, huh? I didn't know Jessica was mean to me back in the day. I laughed at the memory. My mind decided that I should go to the field at the back where school events usually happen.

Everything felt familiar to me. Then I saw the woods. The memory of that Halloween school party rushed back. Minutes after, Lucas appeared beside me panting.

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