masip my pee

130 23 88

dedicated to the awesome people of wattpad fc :)

ya'll suck and i want you guys to go away


badum tss

ya'll probs didnt laugh but whatev


britney's pov:

aye wussup it's the wonderful mitch/michelle idk call me whatever.

i am going to be narrating what the fuck happens after diego drank his own pee. it's really entertaining i hope you like it.

dipego woke up in a place

somewhere magical

but actually he saw faces

it looked familiar

like fairys


"ellie shut the fuck up he's sleeping"

"but he looks hot"

"what the fuck he's mine"

"fuck you sam, he's mine"

"can ya'll stfu you'll wake the horse"

diego opened his eyes and saw fairies surrounding him.

two were drooling, two were normal, and one was pissed. he recognized her somewhere

diego: "who are all of you"

"im your friend with benefits."

"im your fuck buddy."

"k shut up ellie thats mine"

"what the hell are you talking about"

"being a friend with benefits and being someone's fuck buddy is the same"

diego: "confused af"

"im your fuck buddy"

"jesus navas ellie!"

diego: "uh, okaeuy..."

diego: "can you two tell me your names...."

olivier giroud's wife: "im ellie"

fcb is life: "im yours"

messi is king: "LMAO SO FUCKING CHEESY please fuck off sam"

diego: so sam?

sam: yap

ramos my last name bitch: "and i am dado"

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