Falling in love very easily

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I don't know if that is true,but once I saw on the internet that the people who were born in september fall very easily in love. In my case it is true. I was born friday the 23th march 1998 and yes I fall very easily in love. My friends could see that very well the last year.

My very first love was a boy called David, he lived in Portugal but since last year he, his sister and his mother emigrate here. Because of the divorce, his mother couldn't earn enough money for her family and here you have more chance to have a good job that there. I loved him for his humor, he was very funny, but I loved him when I was 6 or so. Well David was my first but I was very young and then I just saw him as a good friend.

Later when I was 12 my aunt married and went to an other city. My aunt and I are very close, sometimes I spend a weekend in her house. The good thing about her weeding was that she married a very nice,funny guy. The bad thing was that now we don't see each-other very often and now as teenager I think that I need her more,she's like the old sister I never had.

Ok now you maybe think "But why is she us telling that??"

I'm telling you that because,now that I go sometimes to the city were she lived and my aunt presents me new people, that's the moment where Bryan comes in.

Bryan is a very shy boy, who doesn't go very often with girls out. He likes to be with his friends and chilling. The first time I saw him I blushed cause he is my type. Good looking, not a womanizer, has a cute smile and takes care of his little sister. Bryan has two brothers, Kevin who his 3 years older than him and Yann who is 1 year younger than him and Aline his little sister who is 7 years younger than him.

Now Bryan is very shy and when it comes to boys where I have a crush on, then I'm also very shy and I couldn't go to him and say " Hey I'm Marisa wanna go out?". So I ask a very close friend of mine who knows him, if he could give me his number, he did. The next day I started sending him messages and he didn't know who I was, his brother Kevin had to show him who I was. I think that at the start I wasn't a very good, cause he just replied with "Ok", just later I noticed that I was annoying him. So I decided to not send him messages for a while and the next time that I'm writing him ,to ask him question about himself. That was a very good thing cause I noticed that he was interesting on the conversation.

One bad thing is that lately I didn't see him very often, even it was sometimes, it wasn't very funny. I'm that king of girls that,if you don't see a person for a while, you start to lose your feelings for that person, that was so with Bryan and also with David.

He never started a conversation, it was always me, then I just messaged him a few times, maybe once a month, that's not very much and not seeing him made it that I lost some of my feelings for him. But when I saw him again those feeling came back.

That's something that really pisses me off.

Before I knew Federico ,I've loved Bryan for over 3 years. What helped me to forget him was not writing him and also not seeing him. I really wanted to forget him because it hurts when someone you really really like doesn't give a damn about you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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