*chapter two*

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% aimy's pov
From avrie came to Hollywood she was a total mess .the poor girl even wanted to take her life .the least I could do was help her money was obviously not her problem but you could tell she was heart broken. I promised her I would be there for her no matter what I help her get settled in. I introduced her to some people and now she is a successful business owner owning two companies and managing them well at that. She seems to give up on love but I know she is hurting inside and use work as an excuse to avoid the real world. She has spent her time building up a wall around her heart having a lot of hatred for men on a whole .
I tried many times to set her up on blind dates but she always refuse my offer using work as an excuse.
So I arranged a girls night out on Friday evening making her clear her schedule .I arrived at her house an hour early and told her to get dress we were going clubbing but as I thought she find every and excuse she could think of I told her to get dress weither or not she agreed I am bringing her even if I have to drag her .
She got dress and came into the care where I was already wait for her as soon as she buckled her seatbelt I speed of before she could change her mind about coming and decided to make a run for it .
It was only an half an hour drive from avrie's house to the club and we reach even faster because I drove in speed when I stopped at the club the look on her face was priceless .


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