Are You sleeping?

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Alec looked up slowly, a small smile crossing his his lips. He knew where he was. The sparkly sequin dotted ceiling dazzled him, as always, and reflected the room like tiny mirrors. Canary yellow sheets caressed his bare torso, thck with the scent of old leather, burnt marshmallow scented magic, and long since put out cigars.

Yawning, Alec turned over and glanced at the other side of the bed: empty. The Warlock was probably with a client, and had likely assumed Alec would sleep later than he actually acomplished. No notes. Just the notion that he could usually slip in and out of bed without the boy nephilim noticing he was absent.

The young shadowhunter did something he hadnt done since he was three; he went back to sleep. Five am was to early for everyone, even those who were used to it. Magnus could wake him if he got back at a reasonable hour.

At around Seven thirty pm, Magnus Bane stepped across the threshold of his flat. Dead tired, drained, and hungry, he could barely snap his fingers with enough energy make some simple toast and coffee. Hearing the toaster ding, he slouched into the kitchen.

Warmth met him at full force. He noticed the absence of use, coming to the conclusion that Alec was out shadowhunting with Jace and Isabelle. Devouring the meager meal quickly, he stumbled his way into the bedroom. Alexander Lightwood lay asleep ontop of a clean, made bed. Dressed like he'd been out all day, the side of his face slightly bloody from a healing cut on his cheek.

Magnus smiled happily. The day could get better. Sliding next to Alec and cuddling close, he whispered quietly,

"Alec? Are you sleeping?" Blue eyes opened, an aggravated look gracing delicate features.

"I was." Magnus chuckled, wrapping his arm around Alec's waist tightly.

"Ah, well. Get some sleep, we'll talk tomorrow."

"You to. I love you." The barely-adult male closed his again, falling into the depths of sleep.

"I love you too, Alec Lightwood." He snapped his fingers, ridding his glamourous self of the days makeup and glitter, setting down for the night. For once, he could sleep peacfully. 'Im sleeping.'