Chapter 8

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Kayla's POV
"Grayson what are you doing here?" I was kinda mad at him with everything that happened yesterday.
"I came to apologize to you and I wanted to talk to you about something really important"
"Well can we talk later Gray? I just got out of bed and I look-" before I could say anything grayson interrupted me.
"Beautiful, you look beautiful, can I please talk to you right now? This is important and we've been friends since the 6th grade I've seen you in the morning before"
We walked up to my room and say on my bed, to be honest I didn't know what Grayson had to tell me but I really hope it had nothing to do with what Ethan told me last night.
Grayson POV
I wasn't really sure how I was gonna tell Kayla I liked her and I wasn't sure how she was gonna react and to be honest I was scared I'm gonna tell my best friend that I have feelings for her.
"So what did you want to tell me?"
"Well uh Kayla you see I really-" before I could even finish my sentence Kayla's mom was calling her phone.
Kayla's POV
Right before he could finish my mom called me she has been out of town for a week for work so I had to answer her phone call.
•on the phone•
"Hey mom, what's up"
"Hey honey I was just calling to make sure you're okay? I was supposed to come home tonight but they are making me stay for another 5 days I'll add money onto your card so you can buy food and everything you need okay? I love you I gotta go see you in a couple days."
"Ok bye" I said and hung up.
•off the phone•
"Is everything okay?" Grayson asked me, it really looked like he cared and wasn't just asking because it was really awkward.
"Uh yeah everything is fine" my voice kinda cracked I was upset because my mom has been gone for awhile with work and now she staying for another 5 days and I'm only 15 it's hard to live on my own I just miss my mom I hate being home alone.
"Kayla I know when something is wrong please tell me what's wrong"
"It's just my mom isn't gonna be home tonight she's not going to be for another 5 days and I'm only 15 Gray, she's been gone for 2 weeks already I hate being home alone." A tear fell down my cheek, I know it's stupid but it's hard living alone it wouldn't be so hard on me if my dad was still here.
"Hey Kayla look at me, it's gonna be okay, if anything you can stay at my house until your mom gets back my parents love you they won't mind." Gosh grayson was so sweet now I know why I started to like him back in 7th grade.
"Thanks Grayson, you're the best! So uhm what did you want to tell me?"
Grayson POV
Oh no this is it I had to tell her.
" Well I uh I wanted to apologize for slamming the door In your face and okay Kayla I don't know how to say this so I'm just gonna say it okay?" She nodded her head she kinda looked really scared at what I was going to say.
"Kayla, I like you a lot and I know we are best friends and everything but I can't help it I tried to make my feelings for you go away by going out with Kourtney but I can't do it Kayla I like you and that's why I kissed you!"

Yay! Kayla finally knows Grayson likes her! I wonder what her reaction will be..

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