Chapter 14

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Kayla's POV
I just lost my best friend.
It was all my fault, I shouldn't care about the video, I don't care what people think of me if they see it but I don't want Grayson to see it.. It's a horrible video and I was just so stupid back then.
Grayson's POV
When I got home I went straight to my room and just layed down and cried, I lost her all because I told her my feelings. There's something she's not telling me! She said she likes me but she can't be with me and wants me out of her life? That makes no sense, I'm pretty sure if two people like each other they date each other. I guess I'm supposed to stop trying now and forget about her. I have no idea how I'm going to forget about her, I really care about her I don't know how I'm supposed to stay out of her life but I have to move on.
Kayla's POV
I stayed in my room the whole day, I didn't eat I just cried and cried and cried. I heard the garage door open.. I totally forgot my mom was coming tonight.
My face was a mess if my mom saw me like this she would ask me what's wrong and I just can't talk about it right now.
I hurried up and got out if bed and ran to the bathroom but right when I opend my bedroom door there stood my mom.
"Oh honey, what's wrong" she brought me into her arms and I lost it. I couldn't help it, Grayson means so much to me and I probably hurt him a lot by saying I didn't want him in my life but I can't date him and being around him and not being able to call him mine hurts.

"Honey wanna tell me what's wrong?" My mom asked
We've been just siting in my room and I cried into her arms.
"Not really but I'm sure your gonna make me"
"Come on, tell me what happened.. Did someone hurt you?"
"No more like I hurt someone, who I really care about." She have me a confused look.
It took about 2 hours for me to explain everything that happened with Grayson and I while she was gone because I kept crying.
"Well honey, I say you just tell Grayson about the video. It sounds like he really likes you so tomorrow why don't you go over there and just tell him the truth I'm sure he would love for you to explain to him why you can't be with him"
"You right, I should but I don't think I'm ready to see him soon. Just thinking about him makes me cry mom, I yelled at him and I told him I don't want him in my life! You should have seen his face he looked so hurt! Maybe I'll go over there next week or something."
"Alright honey, I'm really tired from my flight, good night"
"Night mom"

I couldn't sleep, I just kept thinking about him and how my life was going to be with him not in it. I'm a horrible person for telling him I don't want him in my life anymore but being around him makes me want him even more and I can't date him, it's all because of that video Kourtney has of me. I'm so stupid.

Grayson's POV
It was around midnight and I couldn't sleep I couldn't get Kayla off my mind, she's all I think about. I was gonna go in Ethan's room and chill with him but he was at Ryans house, and nobody else was home. My parents were in New York for a couple days visiting family and Cameron was with them so I was all alone but not for long.

I decided to call Kourtney.

Hmm Grayson, you sure you wanna invite Kourtney over?

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