The Hoe and the Man Hoe

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Heylo peoples!

Have you ever read stories where everyone but the main character is a hoe?


Have you read stories about how the main character falls for the man hoe and he instantly changes for her?


Have you read those stories where it's bad girl/boy and good girl/boy falling in love and changing one another so that the bad girl/boy is more good and the good girl/boy is a little more rebelious?


These are three of the story lines that I have been seeing around a lot lately. And for a while.

I don't fully understand these concepts. They confuse me and annoy me to no end because they aren't true.

You can't just go into a relationship with someone and be so gung ho about changing them for the better... or worse. Those things are who they are and in real life, you can't change the player who doesn't want to change, not everyone is a hoe and if they do change it isn't going to be instintanious.

These stories need to be long and drawn out because people don't change instantly. Change takes time to happen and I know people just can't be bothered to wait.

Besides the fact that most of the time you don't end up suceeding in changing them or whatever.

Also the concept where everyone but the main character is a hoe is a complete WTH factor for me. Yes there are people who are like that but the whole cast excluding the protagonist... that is a little far fetched.

So calm down and slow down with the 'changing people' plot lines and the 'slut' plot lines.



Sin: Plot lines that are so untrue that it makes you wonder what is going on in the authors head...

Sentence: FIX IT!

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