Sex Talk...

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Heylo peoples.

I recently read a story about people who can't seem to not think about sex every five seconds.

Um are people really that horny?

I would have understood it if it was one or two people, but it seemed as if the who cast of characters were horn dogs.

Are you writing about succubi and inccubi? (That's a joke you guys will get later on via TheDoctorsCompanions ie. My joint account with friends)

Just, no, just no, please stop, put some clothes on, make character development that isn't sex and ACTUALLY WRITE A FREAKING PLOT! PLEASE!

Like holy hot doggy poo mania! 

It's almost like the diary facebook has has become... KEEP THE PORN AWAY FROM THE PEOPLES GUYS! WE DON'T WANT IT (and if you do go buy it and keep it away from us non-porn loving peoples who actually enjoy character development and plot and fun stuff like that... )

Thanks :D

This is NOT talking about your R rated stuff that you post. That is basically telling us it's sex. And you have rated it you tell us what it is so that's not bad... it's also not the books with the hinted sex scene or two nope, this rant is about the books that have sex ALL THE TIME!





Sentence: Less sex?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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