Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve 

Emma struggled against the grip the overly large men held her in. The odious man was as large as a bear. Her nose wrinkled of its own accord at the disgusting smell that seemed to hold the hallway they walked down, captive. He growled in response to her struggles and the fight left her and she let herself be dragged along. Something scuttled in the darkness through the filth lining the floor and she shuddered in repulsion. They reached their destination it seemed as they stood in front of a wooden door that was in dire need of repair. The man knocked once and the door shook on its hinges. Emma half expected it to fall inwards at any moment, oh how she wished whoever was on the other side would be crushed by it. Alas, life was not fair like that and she must bear this with a stoic heart. She set her shoulders straight and summoned her courage. She would need it.

The door swung open and the man with the scarred face stood holding it open, grinning at her like she was meat strung up in a market just that morn. Emma gave him a disgusted look and looked away.

The man who held her arm pushed her violently into the clean and well furnished room, this lay in heavy contrast to the hallways and the room she had been made to reside in. She lifted her head to meet black eyes, he stared through her as if into her very soul and she shuddered in fear of his penetrating gaze. A smile curled one side of his face, baring his teeth, managing to look both menacing and harmless. The man wore a starched white shirt and his hair was severely pulled back and bound by what looked like a ribbon at the nape of his neck. Emma shivered. A cold gripped her spine and she froze in fear. This man exuded danger and vile intentions.

"Hello Miss Emma. What a delight it is to finally have the pleasure to meet you. Come, take a seat. Bruce, release her at once. Is this how you treat a lady?"

Bruce scoffed and released his tight hold on Emma's arm. The place where his fingers had dug into her skin stung with pain and she grimaced, she could not trust this man no matter how much of a gentleman he seemed. Cautiosly she approached the chair and sat slowly and fearfully. She now faced the man with a dark ebony desk between them. The room was shrouded in darkness except for the candles placed on the desk, illuminating their faces eerily. His hair shone in the feeble light of the candles, slicked back with grease and tied with a ribbon, he seemed very fashionable with a tailored coat on top of a starched white shirt. 

"Oh please Miss Emma, do not be afraid. I merely want to talk." He leaned forward as he spoke and placed his elbows atop the desk and steepled his fingers to rest his chin on in a contemplative way. Emma shrunk back and felt her courage desert her, this man seemed very dangerous and she could not trust him. 

"Now, see here Miss Emma. I am in quite a predicament it seems and i require your help, if you so graciously accept?" He stared at her with  a dangerous glint in his eyes. 

"N-no. Im sorry, i cannot help you sir." 

"Why, one would think you had not thought your answer through at all. I shall ask you again." He nodded his head subtly at Bruce, Emma however caught the nod and her spine stiffened in fear. He repeated his question urging her to 'help' him once more. Emma deigned to not respond this time. 

An age, it seemed, passed as his eyes roamed over her, inducing shivers to rack her spine. She recoiled in disgust as his gaze lingered longer than necessary on her bosom. Emma felt violated and near tears. Before she could begin to contemplate her escape plan; Bruce returned. He had someone with him, an extra set of footsteps. She daren't look back and break the stare that was keeping the pristine man staring into her eyes and not elsewhere. 

"I may have something that could convince you otherwise." He looked pointedly behind her and Emma turned around hesitantly, not knowing what to expect. She gasped in shock and stood up abruptly causing the chair she had been sitting on to topple over. Her hand went to her heart and a single tear fell, running down her soft rosy cheek. 


Please forgive any grammatical errors, i currently don't have an editor (If somebody can recommend me one that would be great). Also, i realise it has been quite a while since I have updated, so a thousand apologies for that. I hope you like this chapter. More will be coming soon.

Much love~ Ciao.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2014 ⏰

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