Chapter Two

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Edited by @XxJemanixX

Chapter Two

Her eyelids fluttered and a moan fell away from her plump lips. Her usually pale complexion, now turned rosy. Her auburn hair glistened, newly washed, against the white of the pillow. Her head moved to one side and then to the other, her neck expelled soft clicks as she moved. Her eyes flickered open with a gasp escaping her delicate throat.  

Lifting her elbows up she attempted to sit up.  A weight fell upon her chest and she cried out in pain, as her bones protested against her sudden movements. Her eyes closed on their own volition as she tried to reign in the pain. 

“Now pretty miss, I suggest you don’t move as the fever’s left you quite weak and it’s going to hurt, not to mention the nasty fall you had.” 

A deep voice rumbled next to her ear and a shiver ran down her spine. Her eyes snapped open. Her vision swam before it came into focus and she was staring at a grand ceiling with strange floral carvings on it. Her gaze swept over the large oak bed she lay on, the dresser, and the huge wardrobe, the tall oak door that spelled her escape and then finally landed on the figure now lying back in a chair not quite big enough to fit his rather large frame.  

Emma’s eyes trailed up from his muscular legs, which lay propped up on the bed, her eyes widened slightly as she saw the muscles straining in his arms where they rested, crossed against his chest. A blush matching her hair stole across her cheeks as her eyes met with the strangers. His teal blue eyes pierced into her own searchingly before a small, knowing smile lifted the corner of his lips.  His midnight dark hair, bordering on a dark blue fell across his forehead and curled around his ears and stark white collar.  

“See something you like miss?” 

His cheeky smile lightened her heavy heart ever so slightly. She looked away towards the large window. The clouds had gone and the sun shone brightly. But the weather remained to be deceiving; it would most likely be a frosty morning out there.  

Something tugged at her mind.  

As hard as she tried she couldn’t remember anything. Her name and age, yes. But her family, last name and past remained murky and unclear.  

A pain shot through her head as she urged her memories to come forth. A groan escaped her rosy lips as the pain heightened. 

“It hurts…why can’t I remember anything?” A whimper escaped her as a tear leaked out from the corner of her eye out of pure frustration.  

The stranger’s legs dropped down and he struggled out of the chair, stumbling a little in his haste. Rushing to her side he sat down on the bed next to her trembling body. 

“Words escape me as I myself am not sure of your condition.”  

He caressed her hair almost lovingly and her tears began to recede as fatigue washed over her being. As her eyes began to flutter closed, his large hand enclosed round her small shoulder as he gently shook her awake. A frown settled on her pert features.  

“What are you doing?” 

She snapped at the stranger and then immediately felt horrible. He seemed to be the only link to her past and she couldn’t afford at any cost to lose him. So she smiled at him apologetically. 

“You can’t sleep just yet miss. You need to keep your strength up and to do that you must eat. Doctor’s orders.”  

He smiled at her encouragingly and Emma cursed internally. She felt the urge to touch his hair, to touch its softness. She blushed at the absurd notion and turned her head away from his burning gaze, his eyes seemed to burn a brighter blue.  

Her mind settled on the black hole that had swallowed her memories whole. The year? 1593. The Monarch of England? Queen Elizabeth I. Her name? Emma, her surname eluding her. Emma picked away at her brain and the black hole seemed to relent and slip small facts through. Where was she? She had not a clue. Frustration settled heavily upon her breast and she squeezed her eyes shut. This seemed to encourage the blinding pain behind her eyes.  

“Alas fair maiden, painfully shutting your eyes so will indeed encourage the pain terribly.” 

Emma opened her eyes unwillingly and whimpered in surprise as the stranger’s face seemed too close to her own for any form of propriety to condone. His words echoed her own thoughts and her surprise was evident. He chuckled and his head came closer to her own.  

“What are you doing mister?” 

Her voice came out in a ridiculously husky whisper and she blushed before turning her head to the side. His lips descended, just then a knock was heard at the large oak door. It seemed to ring through the whole room, reverberating through the walls. He withdrew swiftly and an awkward air settled on the both of them. 

“Come in.” 

Called out the handsome stranger that had left her strangely bewildered at his audacity. Surely he knew that his unbearably close proximity was improper. Burying her face in the blankets given, Emma unsuccessfully willed the blush marring her face to leave.  

The door creaked open and heavy footsteps entered the room. Emma peeked at the addition to their small group of two and gasped.  

There standing in pristine clothing and a haughty look was a man, but what had Emma reeling in shock was the badge ingrained into the man’s coat. It looked like the Royal family crest, but surely it couldn’t be. What was a servant to the Royal family doing here? Where was here, in fact.  

The Royal Coat-of-Arms glared at her inquisitive glance so she happened not to notice the sudden tension in the air as the servant took one look at his master’s furious gaze and scurried back out of the door.


Thank you for reading sweetcheeks! 

ps; if you vote i might be tempted to upload faster.....;)

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