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l e a h ' s  p o v +

I woke up with Grayson's naked body wrapped around me. It was some what cute. The events from last night came flooding into my mind. The club, the drive, the sex - twice.

I lay there wondering if I should go before he wakes up. Good thing I don't have plans - shit!! I have plans today with my actual boyfriend Ryan.

I untangle myself from Grayson's body, he throws and arm on the now empty pillow and his eyes shoot open.

"Where are you going??" He asks me as I'm picking up my clothes off the ground. I groan in pain and look at Grayson. He has a smirk playing on his lips.

"You sore princess?" He winks.

"Yes, very. And I have plans with Ryan," I slide on my panties and bra. Next the shorts and shirt.

"Ew him, just cancel and hang with me," Grayson suggests. I really want to but then I would have to deal with the angry side of him.

"I would but we've been planning this thing for a while.." I look down, hoping Grayson doesn't know that I'm lying.

"I see, when can I see you again?" Grayson wonders out loud. Wow Grayson Dolan wondering if he can see me?? What has this world become??

"I'll call you." I confirm. He nods and gets up and puts on his boxers and some basketball shorts. He comes over and hugs me and kisses me. Wow what is happening to him?? He is never like this.

"See you later," He waves. I wave back and walk out in pain. I turn around and go back inside.

"Couldn't stay away??" Grayson laughs.

"No, I don't have my car.. It's still at the club." I look down at my feet, totally embarrassed of asking for a ride.

"You need a ride?" He asks already knowing the answer.

"Um yeah, sorry." I scratch the back of my neck.

"Okay!!" He walks by me and out the door. I'm left hobbling down the hall and to the doorway. He comes back inside.

"What's - oh, that sore?" He smirks. I just roll my eyes and continue hobbling to the car.

"Hey, I told you that you wouldn't be able to walk today," he just shrugs. I shake my head and continue my journey to the car. He comes up behind me and scoops me up carrying me out to his jeep.

+ s k i p  c a r  r i d e +

Grayson pulls up to my car in the club parking lot. He gets out and I reach for the door handle but he beats me to it, opening it up for me and picking me up out of his jeep and  carrying me over to my jeep. (a/n: sorry had to.) I unlock my car and Grayson opens the door and gently sets me inside. I'm on the edge of my seat facing Grayson, he stands in between my legs and kisses me. This kiss was more gentle than the past kisses. He slowly caresses my face with his hand. He pulls away and presses his forehead to mine.

"Drive safe Leah, and I'm looking forwards to your call." He smiles.

"Thanks Grayson." I smile back and he walks off. Things have definitely changed between the two of us. Changed for the better.

+ s k i p  c a r  r i d e +

I arrive at my house and get out of my car and walk inside. Ryan is sitting on the couch looking pissed as fuck.

"Where the hell have you been?!"

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