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5 Years Ago

As everyone's eyes were on me, I had drawn some much attention from the entire school that was seated into the cafeteria and suddenly, everyone began laughing at me. 

I was standing in the center of the cafeteria, covered in food. As I glanced everyone in the crowd, my eyes fell on him as he was watching me intently with a smirk on his face.

He had something to do with this, he always did  

Before I realized what was happening, my anger took over and I marched over to the popular kids table as they laughed at me and walked straight up to him, heat radiating off my body for how I was so mad.

"Hey there, Harper, you've got a little something..." He used his index finger to circle my body "Everywhere" and as on cue, the laughter even got louder. I glanced down and felt a smirk forming on my lips. I took up his tray with his food and split everything on him, dropping the tray back on the table. 

"What the hell?!" He hissed at me and I simply repeated what he had said to me earlier.

"Parker, you have a little something..." I copied his gesture and circled his body with my index finger and continued "Everywhere" I turned around, walking through the parted crowd, my best friend following closely behind me.  

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