Chapter 1

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No matter how much you enjoy your work, having a stupid alarm to wake you up and remind you that you have to leave your beautiful bed, just makes you upset. 


I reluctantly opened my eyes and let it adjust to the sunlight that was streaming through my window 

Note to Self - Close the curtain before going to sleep 

As my brain begins to register my surroundings, my ears began to fill with a obnoxious ringing, turning to where the noise is coming from, I grabbed my phone off the night stand and turned off my alarm. I swung my legs over the bed and hopped off, heading to the bathroom. 

I showered and got ready, wearing a black pencil skirt and a white blouse with my black stilettos. Picking up my keys and bag, locking the door behind me as I walked out of my apartment. 

Heading towards my favorite coffee shop, I reached and opened the door, hearing the little jingle that allows the workings to know when a customer walks in. I went to cashier, greeting the barista who happens to be a good friend of mine.

"Hey, Jessie" I smiled at her. She was pretty with her blonde hair falling on her shoulder in curls and her bright green eyes showing that she was happy.

"Chrissy! Hey, you want the usual?" 

"Yeah, thanks" I paid her for my Mocha Coconut Light Frappuccino and was heading towards the door when I was suddenly hit with something solid. I stepped back, feeling my frappuccino running down my shirt, I looked up and was met with a pair of grey eyes looking down on me.

"What the fuck, man!?" I hissed out, waiting for him to reply, but he doesn't, he kept looking down on me.

"You owe me a new frappaccino and a new top." I looked at him, keeping solid eye contact and the first words to slip out of his mouth was

"You look familiar" he said, his voice was smooth and deep but I was too pissed to acknowledged the sound of his voice

"Oh! I must be the girl, THAT YOU JUST SPLIT COFFEE ON!" I shouted but he still was just looking at me. Frustrated, I pushed him aside and walked out, heading to a tall building where I happened to work. 

Reaching my office, I was met with a huge pair of brown eyes, sitting in my office chair

"What happened to you?" Diandra asked, she's been my friend since we were kids and even though, I've wanted to kill her, more times than I can count, I still love her like the sister I never had. Her brown straight hair was caught up in a high ponytail, that swayed left to right as she walked towards me. 

"This douch happened." I said with a sigh, heading to my office bathroom, taking out a spear shirt I hid in there, just in case of mishaps. 

"Chrissy? Is she here?" I heard my father's voice and Diandra replying to him. 

"Yeah, she's just getting cleaned up" 

"When she's out, tell her to come to my office, I must speak  with her" and I heard his footsteps retreating out of my office. I walked out, looking at Diandra until she noticed that I was finished. 

"You heard right?" she asked

"Yup" I said walking towards my door to exist my office before she stopped me 

"Chris, tell me more details on this douch later, and nice top, the light blue matches your hair ends" she walked pass me heading to her office which was right beside mine. 

"Daddy!" I shout, walking into his office like I own the place, stopping in my tracks when I see a pair of familiar grey eyes looking at me, with a smirk on his face, sitting on the couch that was inn my father's office. He stood up to greet me, extending his hand out, gesturing me to shake it. I looked at my father, who couldn't be happier, for some reason but I stalked pass Mr. Grey Eyes and straight to my father. 

"What is he doing here?" I whispered to my father, but because I couldn't whisper if my life depended on it, pretty sure he heard me. My father stood up from his desk and decided to apologize to him. 

"I'm sorry, for my daughter's rude behavior" He shot me a deadly glare, which would make any other employee cower, but he was my dad, I know he wouldn't fire me or hurt me so I simply raised my eyebrow at him. "I know I raised you better than that" I rolled my eyes at him for saying that. He walked around his desk coming beside me and introduced me as I looked down on my nails, loving the blue colour. I loved blue, that's why I decided at age 21 to dye the ends of my curly, reddish-brown hair, blue, I would always get complimented for the colour. My hair was waist length, so I knew if anything went wrong with the dye, I'd just cut the ends off, but nothing did, so it grew over the year and I trimmed the ends and redyed it. 

"Mr. Parker, this is my daughter, Christina Harper, Christina, this is David Parker, our new investor" As the name David Parker was heard, my eyes widen in shock, I looked up, seeing the same reaction on his face but quickly hid mine. I help out my hand and shook his. 

"Nice to meet you, Coffee Spiller" My dad coughed and elbowed my arm and shot me another glare. "I mean, Mr. Parker" and plastered on a sickly sweet smile. 

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