Chapter 2

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While heading towards my office, I heard my name being called from a distance

"Harper! Wait up!" 

 I turned around to see David speed walking to me. I stopped and raised an eyebrow at him. 

"What do you want?" That came out harsher than intended but I just shrugged it off. 

"No wonder you looked familiar. Wow, Harper, you've changed." He looked down at my appearance with a satisfied glint in his eyes. "You lost your glasses and braces and that bad acne."  

  I gave him a confused look, raising my eyebrow. "Excuse me?" 

"W..What?" He stuttered out. 

"Look, David was it? Whatever, I don't know you and I don't want to know you, you'll be working here temporarily because you became an investor but either way, I don't need anymore people to associate myself with, or they'll become a distraction, so just keep to your side and I'll keep to mine, no one has to get in the other's way." Taken aback by what I'd just said, he nodded in response an almost disappointed look flashed across his face but he quickly hid it making me think it was just my imagination. 

He turned around and began to stride back to my father's office. I entered my office, seeing a huge pile of paper work on my desk, I sighed, closing the door behind me and walked around to my desk to have a seat. I sorted out and stamped most of the paper work until it was my lunch time, I picked up my bag and headed towards Diandra's office.

My father hired us once we finished college, Diandra was always a friend of the family but to us it felt as though she was a part of it. Dad talked to us about our jobs and said  that he'd be treating us like any other employee, which we expected and was fine with. For years, we worked our way up the ladder of the company, a lot of persons assumed that we were just getting special treatment because we were close to my dad, but that wasn't the case. Working late hours and working harder than any other employee got us to where we are now. I was next in line to be the  CEO when my father retired while Diandra would be the Vice President of the company but we'd only get there if everything went as planned.

I waited for her in the doorway to her office. She glanced up finally noticing me and quickly packed up her work, grabbing her bag and walking towards me. "Ready?" She stepped forward closing the door behind her. 

"Yeah, wanna head to  GimmeThatCafé?" I suggested. 

"Sure, then you can tell me all about Mr. MorningHappenings" I laughed at her horrible name. 

"I called him Mr. Coffee Spiller" We got into the elevator and headed to the near by coffee shop. 


"Dee! What the hell?!" She spat out her milkshake on the table as I filled her in on the morning happenings with the mysterious coffee spiller being the new investor 

"David Parker!" She squealed "That's what the hell!" 

I rolled my eyes at her, other than being an awesome friend, she can be really, really dumb sometimes. I don't really keep anything from her so speaking my mind I said

"You're acting really dumb about this" 

"How?!" She sounded offended about what I said but who cares?? 

"You think this is a sign that we should be together. It even sounds ridiculous coming out of my mouth. Its David Parker. He ruined my entire life up to high school!" 

She rolled her eyes "You're being a dramatic" My mouth fell open. 

Me?? I'm the one being dramatic?? Me?? Wow, okay,okay, I'm failing to process this. 

"Me? Are you joking? Do you even remember the first part of this conversation?!" 

I can't believe this. This dumb bitch. 

"He didn't ruin your life" She  gave me a shrug "I was with you, you're being dramatic, Chris" 

"Kindergarten, he stole my crayons" I frowned at the thought, those were my favorite crayons. "He also took my watch and threw it in the pond near the school, and then pushed me into the pond! In high school, he started a food fight with me, accused me of cheating off his test when I told him to just stop the irritating clicking with his pen which got me a zero and a detention. He threw a football at my face then stepped on my glasses when they fell off and he filled my locker with jello. How does that make me dramatic?!"I hissed at her and she simply just yawned. 

"It could have been worse" She shrugged and took another sip of her shake. 

"No, it couldn't have!" I said through gritted teeth.

She's making me seem like I'm crazy. I hate when she does that. I'm not crazy. 

I sighed and calmed down, before I decided that the world didn't need her in it. 

"Besides, he doesn't know its me" I told her simply, taking a sip of my frappuccino 

"How? Other than the glasses and braces, you pretty much look the same" 

"I told him that I don't know him" I shrugged.

"You know he'll eventually find out once he sees me, right?" 

"You don't know that" I narrowed my eyes at her 

"We were basically inseparable in high school so yeah, he will" 

"Then hide" 

"I'm not going to help you hide your identity from him, he'll find out either way, because you guys are meant to be togeth--" I stuffed her croissants in her mouth. 

"You should really eat, you get retarded when you're hungry. And you are going to help me because you are my bestest friend in the whole wide world" I gave her a sweet smile "And because I still have that favor to call in from when I helped you that summer in high school" 

A light shade of pink crept up on her cheeks and her mouth fell open 

"You still remember that??" 

"How could I forget?" I smiled and finished my lunch. "C'mon, we need to get back to the office" We took up our bags and threw our trash away and headed out of the Café. 


Heyloo! Comment and Vote if you are enjoying the story so far. 

I'm sorta new to writing here on wattpad, and I apologize for any grammatically errors I make during the chapters, they'll be edited, maybe not right away but they will 

Byyeee!  <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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