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Michael entered the house mad and he threw his keys mad and finally spoke up"hey jewels he's way better looking than me ,do you like him?

I was surprised that he didn't call me princess but JEWELS!
I looked at him for a second and said a lie" I said no way he's ugly " but my mind said he's SO perfect !

he a red and walked away I just looked at him and stared at him until he wasn't in my sight , I started saying to myself "COME ON JEWELS GET IT TOGETHER YOU DONT HAVE FEELINGS FOR ALEXANDER BECAUSE YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!!"

I said that on and on until I got the idea to take a bath until my phone rang and I liked up "hello? I said HI it's cassy I wanted to tell you that you have been invited by me your bff to a casual party for rich people so dress nice ok!!!!"

I said "ok I will but at what tome cassy? she said "be ready at 8:00am I'll pick you up don't tell Michael that your going make it a surprise and he'll probably leave at 6 but we're going later for hot guys and drinks "she said ...I laughed and said ok and then humg up .

Michael came in the room and said" hey jewels I'm going to a meeting from work like around 6 I'll be back later at night " I was SO SHOKED he called me jewels serious and he lied to wear he was going something's wrong and I'm going to find out why he's so serious and why he just lied and acted like he he never called me princess!"

I just said "ok have fun love you and I reached for a Kiss but he just kissed my cheek!

now that means something is wrong and him causing all the write mistakes for me too notice ,I actually am happy that he has caused those mistake because now I'm more suspicious than ever!

my phone rang and I liked up and saw that it was cassy and didn't bother to say hello? she quickly said" I don't need to tell you anything just be ready in two hours get ready!!!bye"

so with that she hung up , so I pulled out my dress that was a red mermaid dress with a heart shaped to makes my boobs look pulled up and nice.

and I had black tall high heels with strips on them and I took off my glasses and I wore contacts and I died my hair black which really made my eyes look amazing!!!!

so I curled my long black hair and I looked really nice but as I put a diamond necklace and earings I looked nice I looked rich actually and good for the occasion.

I didn't even notice the time until I was hearing honking and my phone rang a second later ,I answered and she only said"come on jewels get your butt down here !"then she hanged up.

I ran downstairs and got in the limo but before I do get in I was looking at her with a look like "where did you get this limo" but I didn't and I got in quick.

while we were in the car cassy finally looked at me up and down I asked"what are you looking at you weirdo!?"

she finally said"You your hair is amazing and everything else all your curves and WAIT until Alexander sees you Mrs.hottie!!!"

I simply looked at her and laughed but it ended when I realized something then I asked"WAIT WHAT Alexander is coming!!?" she said "um yah why are you getting nervous now?

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