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I woke up and all my memorys came rushing towards me , I remembered everything how I was pregnant and how Alexander looked stunned of the situation.

I don't know why but I broke down in tears and I heard Sebastian argue with Alexander and I heard Alexander say"I'm leaving I can't handle her ,I'm not raising a child!!" so when I heard that I broke down and I called my best friend cassy .

she picked up and said "yes hello?" I said with tears"can you please pick me up I'm in Alexander's house there's a back door I'll be ready but please hurry!!".

she hung up and in 10min she was here I packed my things and left with her.


I was talking to Sebastian and he was saying that I better not leave the child I said no I'm not a bad person would probably say " I can't stand her I can't have a child , just like mom I would never do that too jewels and my child .

so me and Sebastian entered jewels room too explain what she was but I didn't find her I saw all her clothes Gomes and I found a letter that said :

DEAR ALEXANDER :I've caused too much mess I'll raise the child on my own and you go and live your life when your ready you can visit ,I loved you but forcing a child in your life doesn't show love I don't want you too regret anything so I'm going out of town and raising the child ,I love you and I always will .
sincerly your love

I was shocked why would she do this too me why now ? I don't know but she doesn't realize the danger she's putting our child in, I have to find her soon because if anything where too happen too her I would never forgive myself EVER !.

so I looked at Sebastian and told him that we are gonna change into wolf form and track her sent in the night but for now we have too search up how many children can a wolf and a vampire have?.

se say that if it's forced only one but I wasn't sure so it was time too call our mother .so I called her and she told me "oh dear you've just produced a hybrid baby in jewels haven't you! I was shocked it's only been 2 days .

I asked how she knew and she said "the council is trying too kill the girl with the baby before it's born , but if it is born then I'll be yours and they'll never bother again so keep the child alive ,I'll help too I want a grand baby!" she said softly and sweet.

he simply said "ok I'll get you your grand baby if you tell me all about this topic " he said roughly .so she said "so a thousand years back there was a vampire named Mila her mate was henard he was madly in love with her and she was with him,months later she felt pain and kept throwing up ,and her husband called a doctor and he confirmed that she was pregnant and they where glad too be the first couple with a hybrid.

they told the council and they disapproved because hybrid where MUCH STRONGER and the council was afraid of them taking over the thrown since hybrids are stronger than he demanded them too be executed.

but they didn't want there child too be executed , so they ran and hid for 9months until Mila gave birth and when she did she noticed that it was two beautiful strong boys and she holded them for a minute . her mate wrapped the baby's outside and cleaned them when he came back too the tent Mila was dead and her mate cried for hours over her body ,until he told himself that he would do anything too protect her boys and he did but 2 months later the council found him carrying them to the silk store and they stoped him and right there he turned into wolf form and growled and he put the baby's in a hole he tried too tight them but eventually they drove a huge stick threw his heart and he died with his last words which where "mila" his beloved.and eventually the council found the baby's and burned them and that's it".

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