The dream

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Wolf in his blackout

I already knew what was awaiting me I always did. I was in my village with the 101st. We were surrounded by three mountains. The sky was blue with one or two clouds. The birds were singing, the children were playing. Life was beautiful. The 101st and I were basking in the sun. We just finished combat training. We were all laughing at joking around.
"The Imperials are coming. The Imperials are coming." Yelled someone on horseback. Panic ensued. We looked at each other and we all nodded. We had to defend the village to let the women and children escape.
"Wolf come with me. We ll protect the women and children. That will be their first target." My father, Achilles, said.
I ran to him saluting him. He stopped me and gave me a hug. Little did I know that it would be my last one. We brought the civilians into the mountain path without meeting any resistance. Once the last person went through we pushed a boulder to hide the route. We heard blaster fire in the village and started running back.
As we were running a thought crossed my mind. "How did they know we were here?"
It only passed my find for an instant. I grabbed my knives and went into the fray. We were being hard pressed. We fought wave after wave after wave of countless clones. We did so for three days and three nights. The first day we shot our guns. We ran out of ammo quickly. So we resorted to brutal and dirty hand to hand combat. We each had are own weapons. I was with the knives but I could use any weapon. My father Achilles had a spear a shield and a sword. We fought with losing a single inch. There was a river of blood at our feet. All of a sudden we hear TIEs coming in. They started bombing us. Eagle and Vulture were out best pilots. They tried holding off the TIEs. They did so for an hour or two. They far outnumbered. They were shot down. Out first deaths. They did not die in vain. They steered their planes into the swarm of clones killing almost all of them. They gave us a little break. Well if you count 5 min a break. We regrouped. We suffered minor scratches but we were good. The second day is where things got bad. Our weapons broke. Only me and my dad had are weapons. We started moving back under the sheer numbers. The third day was the same. The third night however was when the battle stopped. A clone officer bearing a white flag told us to surrender and we wouldn't be harmed. We could have heroically said no but we were 10 left out of 30. Out of those 10 left one 4 could fight. My dad called out saying we surrender only if you take my life instead of theirs. The clone officer agreed. We were all tied up and brought to a stage. I was forced to sit down. The rest where put out in front of me. I saw my girlfriend in imperial clothes smiling her nasty smile. It dawned on me. She was the one who betrayed us. The clones next to me made me look straight and kept my eyes open. The brought each soldier of the 101st up in front of me. The clones killed them one by one ever so slowly. Not one single soldier of the 101st cried out in fear. My dad was last to go.
"Remember the rules" he told me.
Then they started. They electrocuted him. They increased the voltage ever so slightly until it finally it killed him. I was in shock. I blacked out. I woke up later in a prison cell. They asked me one or two questions about the hidden Jedi. I did not answer.
They tortured me. They repeatedly burned me, zapped me, stabbed me, water boarded me. Mo tried fighting to get out but I couldn't. I fought and fought to get out.
"Wolf I am here. Concentrate on my voice Wolf. It's me Sabine. You are safe with me." I heard a voice say. The nightmare stopped. I opened my eyes to see her sitting beside me on my bed with worry on her eyes. I moved over and grabbed her so that she could lay next to me. I breathed in slowly her smell falling asleep tired from the nightmare.
"I love you." I whispered.
She turns around and looks at me in the eyes.
"I love you too." She says.

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