chapter two: only love can hurt like this

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chapter two: only love can hurt like this

when I wrote this there was Dolphins swimming next to the boat I was on, fun fact soz


Ollys POV:

I climbed back into my car, I never cried but tears were trickling down my cheek into my stubble that I had going on, I hadn't shaved in a couple of days since my razor was at home and I was staying at my mum and dad in Witham, Essex. I couldn't tell Caroline that me and Francesca were having problems, how she cheated on me when I was away working. Caroline would understand since Jack Street her ex boyfriend had cheated on her in December but I was afraid she'd say something along the lines of 'I told you so!' I told Caroline I proposed to Francesca.

Why the fuck did I do that?

She's the one person I need right now and I pushed her away, I'm such a dick.

I started up the engine of my car and drove off, my vision was blurry but it was a route I used to take all the time home so I knew it well. I stopped off at Asda for some essentials like a razor and some beer, but then I bought some cigarettes. 'I'm such a hypocrite' I thought, but when I was twenty I smoked and being in Caroline's smokey flat made all the memories come back and I was gasping for one, even if it was 10 years previous. I got out of Asda and lit one immediately I pulled on a hat and my sunglasses, this is one thing I really didn't want press to see.

After I smoked two out of my packet of twenty I climbed back into my car feeling relaxed and ready for the hour journey I had ahead of me. Before I set off I sent Caroline a text:

'I'm so sorry babe, I'll ring you next week, I need to talk to you about everything but I'll wait until it's blown over a bit x'

She simply replied with 'okay'.


It was the Friday after and I had been called into a meeting with Simon back at the office block we were in before.

"So are you doing X Factor?" Simon was sat opposite me.

"I have thought about it and yes, I can't turn down an opportunity like this" I smiled.

"Hello?" There was a knock at the door before it opened. It was Caroline, she had very minimal makeup on, a bit of mascara and a bit of colouring on her skin but the bags under her eyes were still extremely noticeable. She had a slight smile on her face when she entered and saw Simon but it soon turned to a frown when she saw me.

"Caroline, take a seat next to Olly" Simon instructed. She did as he told and I gave her a small smile, I hadn't had chance to ring her since I moved back into the house because I thought that since it's my house I shouldn't be the one to leave but we've just been sat in different rooms. She begged me to buy this big overpriced house for us but when in reality we really didn't need the space. "You are doing X Factor yes?" he asked Caroline.

"Yes of course" she smiled again but it didn't reach her eyes.

"We going out for a celebratory drink?" Simon stood up out of his chair and pulled on a coat that was on the back of the door.

"Always" Caroline replied she would never turn down a drink, I loved that about her 'always need a woman that can drink' I thought to myself.

"Olly?" Simon questioned.

"Go on then" There was a part of me hoping that there was going to be loads of press taking photos of me being with Caroline.

"Good come on Carolly" Simon replied walking out of his office. I could physically see Caroline cringe as she stood up. I cringed as well, no one had called us that in person for ages, Simon used to swear that we were together and purposely made us do loads of stuff to make us get together. We followed him into the corridor and Caroline purposely grabbed my hand when Simon turned round to see if we were behind him. Her touch sent electricity currents down my arm. But when Simon turned back round she dropped it and walked slightly in front of me.

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