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Deadicated to @kakophony, thanks for the amazing cover


The flames danced in the night sky, filling Saru's lungs with thick dark smoke.

The building he was standing is was burning around him, the floorboards and walls crumbling to ashes.

Despite the danger he knew he was in, Saru could not move. He stood motionless, shocked at what he had just done.

The images flashed through his mind one again- his burst of anger, the explosion that followed. He was scared, scared of what was going to happen to him, and scared of his own power.

That was when he heard a scream. Not a scream of fear, more a scream of pain made on a persons' dying breath.

And that was when he snapped out of his trance, and he ran.

He knew the scream he had heard was from his mother, the only family he had left. Each of Saru's siblings, grandparents and even his father had died one by one, and it had just been him and his mother left.

And he had killed her.

Saru ran for his life, heading in no particular direction. He just wanted to get away from it all, the powers, the murders.

He stopped after awhile and sat himself down in a side alley to cry. He was done with life, and was ready to curl up into a ball to die. That's what he deserved anyway.

But after what could have been hours, days, or weeks, he heard footsteps.

The police have found me. He thought. They're going to take me away.

Saru didn't look up until a small voice said, "Hi, are you alone too?"

A little boy of about six stood above him. He had light green pigtails and was clutching a small stuffed rabbit to his chest.

"Don't worry, let's be friends! My name is Fei, what's yours?"

Struck By Lightning - Inazuma Eleven Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now