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Fei Rune

"Hey Fei, get in here! I have something for you."

A little boy with light green hair ran into the room, and came to a stop in front of his father.

"Ooooh, what is it?" He asked excitedly, trying to get a glimpse at what his father was hiding behind his back.

Fei's father paused for a second, and then revealed what he had been hiding.

The little boy snatched the furry object from his fathers hands to get a better look.

It was a toy rabbit with long ears. He was made with soft dark blue and white material.

Fei hugged the rabbit right to his chest, grinning.

"Thanks Daddy, I love him!" He said.

His father smiled wearily.

"That's fine Fei, I'm glad you like it. Now, let's get you to bed. It's getting late."

Fei went to his bedroom without a complaint, still holding his stuffed rabbit tightly. His father came and tucked him in.

"Goodnight Daddy." Yawned Fei.

"Goodbye Fei, I hope that rabbit takes good care of you."

The six-year-old found his fathers words a bit strange, but he was already feeling sleepy. He snuggled down under his blankets, his rabbit still by his side, and fell into a dreamless sleep.

And that was the last he saw of his father.

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