4. Good Morning

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C H A P T E R  F O U R

When I wake up from my dreamless sleep, I see bright shining lights that immediately blind me. I groan as I use my hand to cover my eyes, which does little to block the light since it shines through my fingers. Slowly, I get used to the light and take away my hand. The lights on the ceiling are still on, since I forgot to turn them off, along with blinding sun beams shining from the window.

I sit up and grab my toothbrush and toothpaste, and walk out of the room. I look at Karla's door which is still in the same position as it was last night. I walk in to ask where the bathroom is, but she isn't there. I look around the room which is slightly bigger than her roommate's. The walls are a shade of maroon and her desk, bed, and night stand are all clear. On the other three walls, there are book cases filled from the ceiling to the floor. I move towards the books, and see some I know like Harry Potter and Hunger Games. And others, I've never heard of like Matched and Requiem. I'm in complete awe of how many books are in here, there had to be hundreds.

I squeeze the toothbrush and toothpaste in my hand, and remember what I came here originally for, and that I was basically walking around a stranger's bedroom without permission. (A/N: Shawn this is the part where you walk out.) When I turn around to head out, a pretty girl with red curly hair is standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.

"Who are you?" I ask out of curiosity, being completely captivated by the girl.

She frowns and says, "I can ask you the same thing."

"I'm, uhm, looking for the bathroom." I reply lifting up my right hand to show the things in my hand.

She sighs, "Well, I guess Karla made some new friends. Unless, you're some kind of rapist in my home or something. The bathroom is the second door on the left."

I nod making a loud gulp, as I walk past the girl who by now I can guess is the Karla's roommate. Then I remember how Karla talked about her roommate being gay. I just got friend zoned before I could even become a friend. Who wins the award for being the ladies' man?

Not me, that's for sure.

Turns out the bathroom was right next to the room I slept in, and as I go inside I can already tell it's going to be as impressive as the rest of the house. And indeed it is, the bathroom is huge. It has one of those showers that just comes directly from the ceiling and a bath tub that looks like it's made out of crystals. I quickly brush my teeth and head out of the bathroom. I quickly scan the hallways seeing that they are as empty as ever. I proceed to go back into the room I slept in to change.

And once again Karla's roommate is standing there holding the sheets from the bed as far away from her face as possible. "You come into MY room and think it's okay to just drop your stuff wherever and stink up my bed? Were you even going to make the bed? Or were you just going to leave it as it was? Where the hell have you been that you smell that bad? When you passed by me earlier, it took every cell in my body not to throw up."

I just laugh and say, "I can tell why you are Karla's friend."

She screams in frustration and throws the blue sheets back onto the bed. "This is why I'm lesbian, because guys like you are disgusting little rats."

My demeanor instantly changes and feel a little bit hurt, I didn't really take her complaints to heart, but being called a "disgusting little rat" does make me feel bad. "Look, I'm sorry about your sheets. I forgot that this place doesn't belong to me and you and Karla are both doing me a favor by letting me stay. I was just incredibly tired yesterday and I forgot to change out of my clothes. Today Cameron and I should find some way to get to California."

"Wait, who's Cameron?"

"He's a friend of mine, we met on the plane that was supposed to go to California."

"If you were on a plane to go to California, why are you in Chicago?"

"We got kicked out." I bluntly state.

She raises her eyebrow, "For..?"

"Seeing the pilot get a blow-job."

Finally, the permanent frown set on her face changes and she actually laughs. "That's bat shit crazy. You know what? You might smell like a pile of horse shit, but you're not bad. I accept your apology and by the way, my name is Mahogany."

I smile and say, "My name is Shawn." I reach my hand out to her to shake hands, but her face scrunches up and shakes her head.

"I am not touching you, until you shower. Just grab your clothes and shower in the bathroom, okay?"

"Okay." (A/N: Shahogany feels and TFIOS feels. What more can you ask for? Mahogany has a girlfriend, but who know she might find Shawn much more interesting. wink wink.)


When I finish showering, I look for Mahogany and find her in what seems to be a laundry room. I go inside and my predictions are confirmed when I see her stuffing the bed sheets into the washer. Once she does, she presses a button and turns to me. "Do you have any idea where Karla is?"

I think for a moment and say, "Not since yesterday, why?"

"Well, as you already saw, she wasn't in her room. I assumed that she took and early shift at Panera Bread, but it's not going to open until 9:00."

My eyes widen as she says this, "Now that you've mentioned it, I haven't seen Cameron since last night." We share a look before yelling hysterically.





"Chipotle?" I ask.

She nods, "Karla has a deep passion for their guacamole." I pretend that what she said was completely normal and continue my shouting. We do this for a good 5 minutes all around the place, until we hear a groan. I see Mahogany freeze and look over to me. She mouths something and points to the kitchen. I nod and understand that she's trying to tell me they're behind the counter. We walk on the opposite sides of the counter and I lift my hand up to count to three.




We jump to the other side of the counter that was blocked from my vision before and see a very strange sight.


A/N: MWHAHAHAHHAHA CLIFF-HANGER! Well I guess you can say this book is very Un-Predictable. Did you get it? haha did ya? no...? okay i'll leave now. So I started school (fml) and it's going to be harder for me to update. I know that the first two chapters were long, but I'm not sure if I will be able to that anymore. So this is going to be the basic number of pages from now on, and I'm so sorry that it has to be this way, but it does. Maybe if this chapter gets to 5 votes, I'll make it longer. SORRY FOR BEING SO DESPERATE FOR VOTES BUT I JUST LOVE THEM BC IT LETS ME KNOW WHO HAS BEEN READING MY STORY AND IF U ENJOYED IT OR NOT.

With hungover characters and Shahogany feels,
Kristine ♥︎

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